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best feeling in the world


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been busy blatting about all day today and its a great feeling to drop through the cage, slide into the jk seat, get fastened in tight with the 4 point harness, put on the steering wheel and  then go to start the engine. oh F**K then realise the bl**** key is in your back pocket.  :arse:


done that twice today  :d

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Ha Ha done that myself a couple of times, and it takes me an age to get in and out. Stevel thought he was going to run out of fuel when he dropped me off the other night.

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I learnt very soon on to put key in before getting in. Get in and start engine before strapping in. Also, if roof/doors on, strap in before doing door up!

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Place helmet on scuttle in front of aeroscreen. Slide in to seat and shimmy in to shoulder straps. Click together harness, reach for helmet. Undo harness, shimmy out of shoulder straps...

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I learnt very soon on to put key in before getting in. Get in and start engine before strapping in. Also, if roof/doors on, strap in before doing door up!


Yep, first thing I do, key in. Then make sure theres nothing in pockets that either going to get damaged by being sat on in the shell seats - phones etc. Or that will damage me, other keys etc!

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Done it with the quick release more than once. :durr:

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oh yes done this one quite a few times :(


one of my sayings is "Westfields cars make crap getaway cars" - this is enforced further when you leave your keys in your pockets :laugh:

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It's one of the reasons I put a screen on; just got fed up of the whole, ear plugs in, glasses off, helmet on, glasses back on, climb in, strap in rigmarole. Especially when there's a group of you - and you're the only one in an aero'd car, so everyone else is waiting for you.

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must admit the cage does add a whole new element to taking longer and not much fun with the still iffy back

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Yeah, I was all set to buy a cage when I made the decision to change course and go windscreen'd, which led to a roof, which led to a heater. :d


A decision I don't regret. But I'm also really glad I did the whole Aeroscreen experience too - wouldn't swap that for anything. Glad I did it. :yes:


The bananas looking good by the way, just seen the pic on the other thread.

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it is a plan to have a hood made that covers the cage and use the screen i got off you with my spare scuttle

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I did consider a vaguely similar idea - have a sort of half hood made that in some manor fixed to the front roll cage tube.

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one thing i do like about the cage is that it does give the car the 7 lines though they are in 2 inch tubing

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Yep, first thing I do, key in. Then make sure theres nothing in pockets that either going to get damaged by being sat on in the shell seats - phones etc. Or that will damage me, other keys etc!

Amount of times I left wallet in my pocket and wasn't effected until discomfort about 20 miles down M5 and was doing a 225 mile stint on M5/A38... But too stubborn to pull off at services and just take wallet out of my pocket. After 100 miles, about 3hrs due to accident I had a dead left leg, so had to pull over and take wallet out.

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