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New wheels


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Picked some black Pro Dynamics with R888s on today. 


Got them back and put them on :) look lovely against the yellow



And so i then took it for a lil run out around the block....and guess what? The bl**dy front wheel fell off haha. Luckly no damage because was only doing abut 5 mph but my god did it give me a shock. Went and collected the wheel from a house down the road where it had settled in the front garden.


Put it back on and looks like I didnt fully tighten the nuts on that one. I think in the excitement id forgotten on that wheel. 


Ohhh well you live and learn haha






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Blimey, did you knacker the disc? Lucky the speed was low.



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No, the disks fine. It scraped on two little bolts that are pretty well scraped but still in tact. Didnt catch anything underneath either like sump etc. 


I think if i was doing 5 mph more it would have been a different story. 


It bent the cyclewing struts slightly but iv bent them back into place and looks good as new haha



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Not the first and wont be the last

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very true terry. I was very embarrassed because its the thing i usually check abut 5 times before i take it out after fitting wheels etc



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Oh dear

Bit OCD about my wheel nuts - my other nuts I just let dangle

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I bought a Sierra XR4x4 some years ago after bringing it home thought it feels a bit weird in the handling dept, felt ok on test drive.


Got home to discover both front wheels on the last threads of bolts! Queue big sign of relief and wheel brace.

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haha very good cleggy


you and tony at stoneleigh aagain this year???



Not sure what I am doing until I get all company year end stuff sorted but will be there at some point if thing go reasonably well

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I agree m8 - really like a car with black wheels (but my Dad hates black wheels) so I went black :laugh:


hey you been busy with the contrast on them piccies :p

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I like black wheel. Means I don't have to wash them.

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I had a similar issue after a "mate" put the wheel back on. Fortunately didn't come off, but one nut did!

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I like black wheel. Means I don't have to wash them.

I second that!

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