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From someone who has had a 'bad' back for over 10 years - BE CAREFUL.  I'm full of pills all the with warning messages like "...will make you drowsy, don't drive or drink alcohol. Neurosurgeon said come and see us again when you can't bear it any longer.  Westy keeps me going :yes:  :yes:  :yes: .


I'm OK working on the Westy and have a sit at frequent intervals.  Standing still is the worst thing I can do.


Rory's Dad

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this is starting to pee me off now


how come i can do 250+ miles in the westfield in and out through the cage many times followed by 270 miles in my 1987 defender (an experiance in its self) followed by a weekend pottering about dragging my new trailer about and at work today doing the usual driving and lifting and my back is absolutly pain free. but when i sit on the sofa or lay in bed the moment i go to get up im F***ed and rolling about like a pratt in pain


might have to bite the bullet and go to the Dr's 

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Probably best seeing the Doc.    You'll have a few hardnuts  giving you some dodgy advice and saying --- " I've had a dodgy back for years and just get on with it"


Lock the thread quick, Phil.

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Posture, you may simply be sitting or lying in a position where your body parts don't quite line up. Bit of experimenting may help to get your spine, probably your sciatic nerve freed up. You may have a slight trapped nerve or a bit of pressure from a disc etc. Just a matter of finding what you can and can't do. Its literally a pain in the ar*e. Trial and error or months under the doctors who generally won't do anything till you are dying on your feet.


Bob :(

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Sounds like you fellas need to see a good Chiropractor.


Beware there are a few that profits before patients, but if you see a good one, it will be the best move you make.


Visit the BCA website to find your local one.




Uttoxeter Chiropractic Clinic  01889 567896

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chiropractor would be the worst thing anyone with bad ba ck can do!!!!

They are way too violent for what could possibly be a damaged spinal disc.

After having major back probs for years id recommend either 2 things, is it burning in your legs, feet, calfs or aching in your back

chances are if its down your leg it will be nerve pinch somdwhere. You need to see gp

if its in the back... Probably muscular, again see a gp...

Your back is important - trust me you dont want any of the surgery that goes with it. Got the tshirt on that one

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When you get the pain down to manageable levels, consider taking up pilates. It's fantastic at building up 'core strength' i.e. the muscles around the core that are so important at keeping the spine in place. Most back problems can be traced to a sudden traumatic injury, or else years of wear resulting from bad postural habits, so a form of low impact exercise is ideal.

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found a tempory cure


2 hours on the lathe in the garage  :yes:

Doesn't that just make you dizzy?

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Things may have changed over the years but a doctor friend once told me that all doctors would do for back pain was to treat the symptoms. For getting to the cause you had to go to a chiropractor. However, the BMA didn't recognise them for medical referral so he couldn't refer patients.

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chiropractors use physical force to manipulate your joints.... Not good.. You need to be MRI'd tbh. That will see if its a disc bulge or not.

Id also recommend seeing someone who does nerve conductivity tests. You need to be referred for it by your gp but they can do basically a diagnosis on your nerve system. I used one which told that one merve was being irritated even at rest.

As has been said usually posture of accident is the main cause.

Posture is easy to fix. By strengthening your muscles in that area they will support you better and stop you getting tired... Tiredness leads to slouching in one way or another... Even ways you wouldnt think.

See your gp first

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I suffer from a badly trapped nerve, (well nerves really). All patients are different, hence the need for an MRI scan to determine exactly what's wrong. In my case, the head Neurologist that was looking after me - who does believe in less mainstream treatments too, and isn't afraid to recommend them, specifically warned me not to use a chiropractor as that sort of manipulation isn't compatible with my type of nerve entrapment.

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Having had problems for nearly 25 years, I do think you need to be careful what you do. I have seen chiropractors for a lot of this time, which seemed to work sometimes and then not others, I still have the problem. I have used acupuncture which did work very well for me for about 5 years. But I think now that all that I have been doing is hiding the fundemental problem and as has already been said by tex & others. I need an MRI scan to see what is actually wrong and get it fixed. Luckily I have learnt to be really careful with what I do and only pull my back maybe once a year. But get constant pain first thing in the morning from sleeping. 

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Having had heart surgery last year, my posture changed quite significantly. I had to lay rigid in bed so that my breast bone did not come apart again, my neck is now playing up (spondalosis) and lower back. GP has refered me for physio to strengthen muscles, and hopefully regain good posture.


Basically I am a KOS. :cry:

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Just to add my penny worth

I had a slipped disc when I was 19yrs old and suffered classic bad problems for years which needed tablets and Xrays and visits to chiropracters and heat pad treatment etc...... until in 1995 I could bear it no longer and was on 24 painkiller tablets a day. Went to a BUPA specialist and he put me on traction in hospital for 2 weeks.....Total waste of time!!!!!!!!!! but at the end of it I had an MRI scan which clearly showed the problem. Even I could see that 2 discs had been squashed to about 25% of the normal thickness and the extra material was pushing against the adjacent spinal cord causing severe pain ( sciatica etc)

Options both involved surgery. I did not want an osteopath to remove the discs and fuse bones together so I had a neuro surgeon perform a microdisectomy ( chop off the sticking out bits of the discs) and I have been pain free and able to do normal stuff ever since

The real issue here is if its bad push hard to get an MRI done 

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It's not that bad really and has got better since it started. Just draggin on now. Would be nice to know what's up though so I can reduce chance of it happening again and makin it worse

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