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Norman Verona

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Maybe he was cutting the grass nude, and has a close call with his topper

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Oh THANKS for that mental image... :bangshead:

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;)  ;)  :zzz:

I watched a bit of it and couldn't help wondering what would happen if one of the bearers slipped.

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May be Norman has got the 18c that they keep talking of in the weather forecasts here.

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The bearers have been practicing for quite a while have teh bearers, and have been up and down those steps hundreds of times this week

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Maybe he was cutting the grass nude, and has a close call with his topper

Tell he's Cornish!


When first joined the Army everyone said that people from down south were inbred's... then Cornish were the most inbred of the lot! when I came to Birmingham this was a big thing where brummies thing people south of bristol have 6 toes on each foot and stuff! The locals here are actually pretty against anyone from a town/village and think city people are the ones top of the food chain.


However... only in birmingham have i experienced people with "Learning Difficulties" and deformities due to parents being related! I also understand that some cultures marry cousins together to keep the family wealth in the family. Birmingham prides itself on being "Multi Cultural", only issue is most of the cultures don't mix and keep with their own.


A city has thousands of people, surely it wont be too difficult to find someone you're not related to in it! while at school I cycled 12 miles, and back, to see my girlfriend most nights. but it seems 12 streets is too much for brummies!!!

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its all over now norm ,she's gone

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Phew, it's hot. Supposed to be 24 c. I've taken a thermometer into the sun and where I'm sitting it's reading 36 c and climbing.


Great, what more can one want, sitting in the sun, listening to birdsong, reading Spike Milligan.



Stephen, you've never been to the (ex) coalfields in NE Derbyshire then. 

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Hold on to that heat for us Norm....

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I'm trying, Steve. I've tried bottling it but that didn't work.

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I've had to come in now - I'm cooked.


I'll get dressed as well.

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Oh lord....my brain hurts at the thought...

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