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Tonneau - Narrow SE

Young Pretender

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I'm after a black tonneau for my SE.. So if anyone has one spare please drop me a pm.





Ps how do you actually pronounce this word - tonneau?

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I've always pronounced it, and heard it pronounced as ton to rhyme with gone or shone and  eau to rhyme with go, or slow.

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Yes that makes sense cheers Dave. I can stop calling it a tony-oh then lol

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I always pronouce the last bit Nay, but Tony-Oh sounds much better :t-up:  :t-up:

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Tonneau is French for a barrel as in a cannon.


I can't figure out a connection unless early tonneaus were round.

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Strictly speaking it's a tonneau cover, so presumably the canons had some kind of soft cover for transport etc?


Sorry Mark, drifting I know, but at least it's keeping it at the top of the list!

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That'll be it.

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Thanks for finding that but as with most tony-oh's I come across the stud patern (popper pattern) is different to the poppers already on my car.


Does anyone know if there should be a standard pattern for a narrow or not?  Possibly changed over the years?

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Probably the easiest route would be contact a local triming company. Went to a local glaziers for a windscreen (thanks to peteg) and paid £18 for a new windscreen - until you ask you dont know.

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I think I have one if you get stuck, Have it tucked in a dark recess of the garage somewhere. Let me know if you are stuck and i'll try did it out.


As for stud pattern. I have no idea if there was a standard pattern of if the builder just edid what they wanted.

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There are standard arrangements in the build manual, but many use this as a guide only, adjusting positions to get the best fit possible, or to allow for different roll bars etc.

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Yeah makes sense..


Timmay, cheers your a gentleman.  I'll let you know if I'm stuck  :yes:

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