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Toys I wish I had kept!


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if we are talking kids toys, then it would be my wind up Evil Knievel wind up bike (the one with the handle you span around and it did a wheelie) and matching trailer van which my kitten used to jump in the back of and would get taken for rides around the house :cry:


If we are talking grown up boys toys - then I suppose it would have to be my old V8 Rover Vitesse (which I broke in a major mechanical sort of fashion)

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Had the Evil Knievel bike and the Jet bike version, great fun when I was a kid. Lost track of the amount of Dinky/Gorgi toys I had that turned out to be valuable, shortly after I gave them away to a nephew - who then trashed them!


not many grown up toys I regret getting rid of. Probably the Discovery, and maybe my old Celica. 

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I had a huge Meccano set. Got at least two sets every Birthday. My family didn't have much imagination.

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Evil Knievel, used to love watching the advert on Saturday morning TV but never had one, I did have a Steve Austin with his bionic eye but not in the same league really.

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