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Just in my way back from Brighton.

While going north on the M23 I noticed a car stopped in the south bound hard shoulder. The occupant was stood up on the bank taking jimmy ridde against a tree. Only strange bit is they were wearing a skirt. Thought they had decent legs too til the truth dawned on me ahhhhhh

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Not even injured.

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Normal practice over here.


In fact most go into the garden for a widdle to save the cost of a flush.


That's both men, women and the others.

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Just in my way back from Brighton.

While going north on the M23 I noticed a car stopped in the south bound hard shoulder. The occupant was stood up on the bank taking jimmy ridde against a tree. Only strange bit is they were wearing a skirt. Thought they had decent legs too til the truth dawned on me ahhhhhh


Nothing suprises me about Brighton, having lived a few miles away for 17 years we used to pop down there quite often mostly on the motorbike as parking on the seafront was free.


One Saturday we (me and missus) were walking along the old lanes about 15-20 yards behind someone with good legs in a short blue mini dress when we noticed a few people coming the other way doing a double take, it was only when we caught up with 'her' that we realised it was very clearly a man :oops:  :o  :laugh:  

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twas me

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In the 70's HM & I were in Paris. We were walking back to the car along Avenue Clichy. A pair of very attractive females walked past us going the opposite way. One winked at me and I turned to look at the legs. HM fell about laughing, "they were men" she exclaimed. "Oh, don't be stupid" says I.


We turned and followed them into a cafe.


HM was right - as usual.

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Was it David Beckham ? or is that barking up the sarong tree ?



sincere apologies in advance

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No, he's in gay parreee

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