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How do you post pictures from iPad?


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Ooh it works! Couldn't find the little i to click on though, but just copied the image address and pasted it on the post area!


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Norman, don't worry about a change in methods. You don't need to install any apps to carry on doing what you are doing on your PC. Whatever you do in your web browser on your PC, you do just the same on your tablet.

Installing specific apps just makes it a little easier to access your pics.

On my ipad I get my photo links from photobucket just the same way as I do on my PC , through the photobucket website. Copy and paste them, no different at all.

Installing a specific app to access your photos just reduces the amount of typing / clicks . Saying that, I will now lookup the photobucket app!

For the original poster, he has an ipad and his pics are on that, so he needs to send them to the web first before linking here. If you take pics on your android tab you will need to do the same.

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I just go to my web site and right click, copy the URL and paste it in the "image" box.


Sometimes I have to uploa the picture and that takes all of 30 seconds. I have a page just to host pictures.

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I use both the Picasa app and Photobucket app on the iPad, IIRC, the Picasa one is slightly easier, but both seem handy little tools.

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Ok I just copied the link from the picasa app on my iphone and it just puts a link on the post not a pic

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They're all links. The "image" icon does just that.

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Don't have the image icon on my phone :( just tried different browsers too

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You've probably got the mobile version of the site. On my ipad I often have to select "show me the full version of this site" on my browser to see forum tools like the "image" icon  

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Nope tried that as I always use the full version. Wonder if its just like it on the phone. Will have a go in the mrs's iPad later

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Oh yeah - just tried on my iPad and failed. in Chrome, if I select "request full version of site" I get the toobars for the image icon, but they are greyed out - flash I guess?

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