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A very big thanks to the chairman & the committee.

Norman Verona

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Looking at the accounts HERE (go to the bottom), it's wonderful to see the turnaround in the clubs financial position.


If I remember correctly the income has all but doubled over the past few years. 


So, I for one, would like to thank the current team for the sterling work they've done to get us in this position.


When I look at the other clubs I belong(ed), where the annual subs have gone up and up as the membership went down and down it can't be easy to buck the trend and get us to where we are today.


Long may they reign.

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Thanks Norman, much appreciated. :)


FYI, membership fee income increased (even after adjustment as noted) in 2012 by 51% over the 2011 figure, which is without question down to the tough Committee decisions made regarding the new boardroom's automated membership system and limiting posting rights to members only.  Had these actions not been taken, and if I did not have the outstanding support and assistance of all my talented fellow Committee members which provided me the tools and basis to perform my role, things on that front would have been completely different (and not in a good way).  I'm very lucky to work with such a great group of individuals, who make me look good - no mean feat!

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Thanks Norm - it is great to get positive feedback!


As I have said in my other post recently (now moved to "manifesto - sounds very official!) we have taken some difficult decisions at committee level recently and I know some of them have gone against the grain - and have been the subject of lively debate on this forum.


As they say - the proof of the pudding......................


BTW - Scott is a much better bloke than he gives himself credit for - the club is very lucky to have such a person steering the good ship membership.

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Scott, shouldn't that be "no mean feet"

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Paul, I think we all know how good Scott is. However, as someone who has been a chairman of a club I know how difficult and sole destroying it can get.


We seem to have got a really good team together. I was never able to achieve this as the club I ended up being chairman of (Rotary) had 10% doers and 90% complainers. I'm aware this is normal with clubs but seems we are so very lucky to have your guidance and calming influence to steer the workers in the right direction.


I only wish I could be of help, but it's difficult being in France AND a Caterham owner. Mind you I think I've been forgiven the second of those two crimes.

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Also for the avoidance of doubt, the systematic approach means that over 25% of next years subs have been renewed in advance of 2013 in December and held over to the 2013 P+L. So were in a great position for 2013 already.

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Just gets better.

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Yes well done to the commitee - Aside from the financials the boardroom is a really great place to be social and get help. Testiment to the well considered set up and right amount of moderation.. and no doubt the quality of the good club members themselves! :oops:

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Well most of the members are of good quality. I think I'm the exception, too much posting!

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Kudos to the committee, doing what most of us either can't or won't do. Takes special people to run a show like this one, long may you grace us with your wisdom, perseverance and personal sacrifice. A great deal of time go into being part of the admin team. A sincere Thankyou from me.

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Well done chaps and chapesses! It's a pleasure to be part of a great club :) 

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Thanks Norm - it is great to get positive feedback!


As I have said in my other post recently (now moved to "manifesto - sounds very official!) we have taken some difficult decisions at committee level recently and I know some of them have gone against the grain - and have been the subject of lively debate on this forum.


As they say - the proof of the pudding......................


BTW - Scott is a much better bloke than he gives himself credit for - the club is very lucky to have such a person steering the good ship membership.


Here Here!

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Yes, a top team, keep up the good work chaps.


Sometimes it even gets noticed...well done to Norman for pointing it out

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