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Because Crashioli never shuts up about it


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I've ordered some contralube for when my dash eventually goes back together. It better be as good as he says or Im going to him for my money back!

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yep I ordered some recently, not tried it yet, but does seem to get lots of glowing reviews.

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I have used it, but no confirmation yet that it has worked OK.

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Well I first used it in Germany on military radios and equipment, was standard issue. Then when in Falklands there was issue with condensation freezing and this was bad for connectors. So used it, never an issue again.

Used all over my car and since using it many faults have stopped!

Unfortunately does not stop Brummies driving into you!

But does what it's meant to do.

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Maplin have limited stock at £7.49.  Amazon £8.75.  Any other outlets?


Is this similar to Servisol silicone grease?  Sounds ideal for assembling bulbs in fittings, too.

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Just did it. Bit disappointed as all it came up with was ........ Contralube the grease. 

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Replace the O with a U and you will get something different

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Tried that.


Got:  Showing results for contralube


Maybe I have a well behaved version of Google.

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Well I have memory issues and couldn't remember name...

Contact Lubricant

Connector Lubricant

Connection Lubricant

Power Lubricant

Electrical Lubricant

And more got google'd and it didn't take long to realise I was literally barking up the wrong tree!

Of course, next to use the iPad and use google was Mrs C... Hmm...

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