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Police Officer sues garage owner for tripping on his premises!


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I was raised by grandparents, my late gandfather would be 78 now, my gandmother's just turned 73. Parent's divorced, not seen father done I was 3, mother never remarried, just worked, a lot! So grand parents developed my personality. I get on far better with people 10-30 yrs older than myself.

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Why didn't she use a torch - it was 2a.m. and she was rummaging around the back of the garage ?

Think she has to take responsibility. Or don't they issue officers with torches due to cutbacks ?

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Sorry to be critical of some of you but you clearly haven't heard the facts but make comments.


She was called out to a petrol station who thought they had an intruder trying to gain access from the rear of the building. She was asked by the owner to go to the rear to check. The rear of the building was in darkness and the lights that should have been on were switched off. She tripped over the kerb in almost total darkness and injured herself (I seem to think she broke her wrist). I feel that if asked to check an area which is dark and has lighting the person in charge of the property should put the lights on.


However, whilst it sounds like she has a point I don't think she should sue. I doubt if she has lost wages so she can only claim for the pain and discomfort. UK courts, unlike US courts don't pay much for that.


Agree with the claim culture, all started by Thatcher who let solicitors advertise, and the way people's characters are changing due to being faceless.

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Do you have a duty of care on your own safety. Did the intruder fall over as well.


Bob :p

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Do you have a duty of care on your own safety. Did the intruder fall over as well.

Bob :p

Urban legends of people cutting themselves on glass while climbing through windows...

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I do know that in employment under the HASAWA you can be classed as a contributor to your own dilemma if you are negligent.



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This case is just the tip of the iceberg. £42 million was claimed by police officers in compensation for various things, this is just the worst example. There is a peice by Littlejohn in the mail today which sums it up well.


He is an officer who is fat, was checking out an suspected burgalury and trips up becuase she did not look where she was going. She id a disgrace to the uniform and to the other brave coppers who do their job well. Yes there will always be some we come across that are useless but the vast majority are good honest hardworking caring people who will be embarresed by this.


We have only ourselves to blame for this culture we have now got. I had one driver who banged his head and wanted compensation as we had not told him that a six foot person could not stand up in the back of a Berlingo van, that got nowhere with us. This case of the police woman should be dealt with the same way.

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Errrr...don't they issue officers with torches any more?  Would you walk around anywhere in pitch darkness that you weren't familar with, or would you wait until your eyes adjusted to the light levels or someone turned the lights on, or would you have the common sense not to walk blindly into the unknown?

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Is that the same little john that harassed the transgender teacher in the national press to the poi t that he destroyed her life and she committed suicide?

Now he is a travesty of justice who hides behind his pen.

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It's the Daily Mail, what do you expect. How else would reactionary right wingers get their ammunition?

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