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Police Officer sues garage owner for tripping on his premises!


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Heard on Radio 4 this afternoon.


The comment there, from a senior officer, was that police officers had the same rights as the rest of the public to sue.


I'm not a lawyer but there's something called "invitation to treat". It's all about if you invite someone on to your property to do business then you have to ensure their safety.

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But does that mean if my house is on fire and I call the Fire Brigade out and one of them gets injured that I can be sued?

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But does that mean if my house is on fire and I call the Fire Brigade out and one of them gets injured that I can be sued?

In short, no! Employer liability covers such 'damages' to employees and that includes firefighters who have a right to be on your property in the pursuant of their duty under the Regulatory Reform Act 2005 for England & Wales or the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005. Police have very similar cover under their Acts. 


I'm no lawyer either but I can't see how she can claim whilst she is on duty unless it's like they're saying in the media and that she's taking out a private claim then it has nothing to do with her Force .. as embarrassing as it may be for her bosses! 


IMHO, she should look where she's bl**** going .. it's a kerb, not a ******g hidden open pit!

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I would have thought if she was injured doing her job and had to make a compensation claim then it should be off her employers.

Emphasis on had to claim not just make a few quid easy

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morally legit or not shes claimed. proabably she will get a payout as it the easiest route. they guys insurance will payout as they do. his premium will get hiked up or they will refuse to insure anymore. and he will suffer as a result.


it may result in him going under but hey at the end of the day she gets her cash, the lawyer get their cut and everyone is happy as its the insurance that pays isnt it?

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its a joke tbh , her superiors should have had a word and told her to man up and dont be stupid , she tripped goodness me ,anyone can trip , me thinks she needs to get a life the pethetic woman

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Its been a long time coming but we are rapidly heading towards (sorry Scott) the American claim culture. Someone trying to make money out of the system, whiplash claims, benefits frauds those who are actually working will end up paying 80% tax just to fund these freeloaders. Tripped over a kerb goodness me :arse:  needs to keep her eyes open bl**dy incompetent.


What next office worker stabs hand with pencil - shock horror


As Steve says makes my pi** boil


Bob :no:  :no: :no:  

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I agree with the above comments and sadly more and more Police officers seem to be jumping on the bandwagon! The media is rife with "PC bumps head.." or "PC cuts finger.."

"man up"

(SteveD: April 2013) :-D

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I read another one like this the other day. Can't rember where I linked to it from. Basically a guy gets his car nicked and in the process of chasing the theif in the car he gets hurt so sues the owner in a private law suit. .... How bad is that?

I agree we have headed down the litigation route too much.

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April fools me thinks...

Last night, maybe not then!

See an old skool copper would've put it to experience and laughed it off.

It's the current younger generation who have learnt this behaviour off the, mainly American, TV. Rather than learning behaviour and social skills from family and friends, they learn from social network sites and TV.

People hide behind Internet, telephones and things, become an alter ego online and less of a person in real life. Where as 50 years ago a person's personality was developed by the family, upbringing and friends.

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She should be ashamed. The bloke was hardly going to say " please wait there officer while I carry out a risk assessment, I will also require you to submit your method statement, sign in, take a site induction and provide proof that you have the nesasery training "

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I read another one like this the other day. Can't rember where I linked to it from. Basically a guy gets his car nicked and in the process of chasing the theif in the car he gets hurt so sues the owner in a private law suit. .... How bad is that?

I agree we have headed down the litigation route too much.

I read a story about a copper who put razor wire through his hedges as extra security, someone broke in, he chased them out, they ran through the hedge at full speed... Not pretty, copper was made an example if in local paper due to fact he was a copper! Sued and I think more.

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She should be ashamed. The bloke was hardly going to say " please wait there officer while I carry out a risk assessment, I will also require you to submit your method statement, sign in, take a site induction and provide proof that you have the nesasery training "

But I feel risk assessment should be down to a personal thing, she should be held responsible for not carrying out her own risk assessment by opening her eyes!

I'll order soup, eat it, burn mouth and sue restaurant!!! Hmm...

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guest says "People hide behind Internet, telephones and things, become an alter ego online and less of a person in real life. Where as 50 years ago a person's personality was developed by the family, upbringing and friends.  "


I tend to agree with that bold statement and wonder sometimes if doing the right thing means you are a soft touch as some of the chancers seem to be doing ok without having to work, be honest or a law abiding citizen where did I go wrong. I am sadly of that generation.


Can't agree with the razor wire bit as if you are aware that public may be involved its a bit dangerous. Wanted to do that myself after a minor break in but was advised not to put up barbed wire as a deterrent in case some one got hurt ???????


Bob :)

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