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Section 59

Mid life crisis

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pate out of a dead horse? been shopping in tesco again Dave? :d

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Ok here we go













:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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If I followed that correctly the cyclist had ridden through a red light.


Therefore he had committed an offence.


Therefore he was obliged to give his details to a police officer.


Failing to give his details would, I would have thought, be an arrestable offence.


I don't think it matters that he wasn't driving a car.


A police officer does not have to quote the law, word for word, in order to know what he can prosecute someone. He only needs to know that riding through a red light is an offence (well I hope it is)




I've never seen a dead horse resurrected. 

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Agreed, I would have called for support and arrested him.

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The copper was clearly a numptie, who should have never been let out alone



Had no idea of the principles of what he was trying to enforce, would he have had any training in the basic principles of law




Frightning thing is, he actualy would be able to issue a Section 59. If he knew what it was. I hope he never gets into a traffic car




Sadly with a starting salary for an officer of £18000 we will probably be subjected to more like him

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Agreed, I would have called for support and arrested him.

Personally I would prefer to see my taxes spent on something more constructive, than sending police officers and vehicles across London. To arrest a cyclist for going through a red light.

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But MLC, whenever there's a thread on cyclist some will always complain about them riding through a red light.


The bobby was thrown and wasn't sure of his rights to arrest the chap for failing to provide his name and address. I would have just said:


"you have committed an offence and are therefore obliged to provide me with your name and address. I do not need to know the exact wording of the law, that's for the legal experts. Now I will ask one more time and then I will arrest you for failing to provide me with your name and address. I would also be obliged if you could keep the camera going so we can use it as evidence. Now, what is your name and address"


Anyone want to bet he would have given me his name and address.


The bobby was clearly rattled and could probably do with more training - as if they don't get enough!

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FOR GODS PEOPLE CAN WE DROP THIS NOW?   :bangshead:  :bangshead:


The Police are n't perfect and neither are we. Life's not fair sometimes, accept it and move on.

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But it's keeping me amused  :)

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The horse is dead, make some burgers out of it! 


Norm, have n't you got better things to do than bait people on here?  ;)  :)

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On a more serious note...


...what happened to Sections 1-58?

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They don't understand them so don't use them.


Jak, I'm sort of half watching the programme on Hillsborough. I'm going to sit down and concentrate now.


See you later,

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Section 59 is an extremely poor piece of legislation that requires no proof of guilt, in effect you are guilty until proven innocent and even if you are proven innocent you will struggle to get the section 59 removed.

What nobody has asked yet that I find strange is that why was section 59 used at all? Surely if the lad in the OP "sped" away from the Police then the correct route would have been to charge him with speeding. Did the lad not actually exceed the posted limit so in all actuality the only thing he is guilty of was accelerating faster than the police officer could keep up?

Section 59 should not be used in many cases where it currently is since there is already sufficient legislation in place to cover every offence, the only difference is that these require a level of proof that is a dream for anyone charged under section 59.

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