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Mid life crisis

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KirkyBoy I was arrested in my own house, i was agreeable, walked to the car under my own steam and had a nice chat the whole way there with the 2 blokes that arrested me, no drama, what use is losing my temper gonna achieve?


Why are you seemingly trying to provoke a reaction out of me? All I did was share my experience, in context of the thread, and said that I have lost MY faith in the police, not that they do a bad job, more overly that the ones taht dealt with my situation handled things incorrectly in my opinion, if i ever have to speak tp a police officer, i am always respectful, because if you arent, then everyone is going to be difficult for you, same with anyone in life, it pays to be respectful, that way you get respected back in most cases! You seemingly patronising me, just makes me wonder what the point of being respectful is when sharing a story creates animosity towards me. 


It seems to be a problem to complain about the police, but its perfectly acceptable to insinuate that a 20? year old that you have never met must have been lying to his parents and must have been in the wrong because the police said so? Because it is unheard of for people of power to misuse said power? 


ETA: Just seen your post above, i think we are singing from the same hymn sheet now? No bad feelings fella, just something that feel strongly about as its caused me a whole lot of grief in the last 18 months, We must all rememebr to never tar everyone with the same brush, no matter how much it might seem like you should at times :)

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Not quite cap'n :d Just want to make sure Dan (KirkyBoy) has no hard feelings, because that's not my aim at all, don't wish to fall out or upset amnyone :)

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To be honest Echoz, if you read your original posts "the other way", your level of emotion in the post comes over as if you were the same on the night. (That's how I read it anyway. I apologise for the assumption, I'll admit it, I believed you'd been kicking off in response to being taken in. I just chose not to post, as it didn't seem to achieve much).


I'm glad to read your correction and clarification above. Ta.

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Yes, captain, I think it's well and truly dead.


Move along there please.

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And what about Ambulance crews, what about them, what a miserable bunch they are... :devil:  :devil:

















I'll get me coat....

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Dave, totally understandable, does definitely come across that way, can understand why people would think that, was tired in not the best of moods when i seen this and posted, one must learn to not go on public forums in a bad mood :d I am a very level headed person in real life, certain things in life have lead to me being a very calm level headed person, I'm a speaker rather than a typer, find it hard to get what I mean across in words without speaking haha! There's a time and a place for being passionate, around the police is not the best place, as passion often comes out in all kids of wrong ways, especially if you feel aggrieved by the situation. I said that I wasn't impressed, but understood completely why I had to be arrested, was more the fault of my brothers girlfriend at the time than the police. The otehr situation with my friends however is the same situation as guest's, the ones who cause the problem ring the police, and then they are the victim, and you don't have a leg to stand on. :down: Like I~ said, I've seen what police work does to people first hand, I wouldn't want to do the job, and have a massive respect for people who do do it, just I have the right to take back that respect if I feel fit. :) 

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Thank goodness the thread didn't reach this level:




Or this one:



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Spoil sport....



Thank goodness the thread didn't reach this level:




Or this one:



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I prefer





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Yes Ecohz we are singing off the same hymm sheet indeed :)


no offence intented either.


Cuddle and kiss?? :p hehe



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Group man hug!

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Oh you can, flog a dead horse long enough and we can make pate. Yum!

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