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Section 59

Mid life crisis

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I'm sure I've told this one before so I'll keep it short.


I joined the M1 from the Huddersfield junction traveling south. I was running late and was 2 hours late for an appointment in Derby.


As I joined the motorway a white Jaguar tucked in behind. I was suspicious so moved out so I could look down the sides of it. No markings bu 2 interior mirrors but only one person, the driver in it. We were doing over 100 mph and I hadn't bee stopped so pressed on.


We went through Sheffield and past the M18 and pressed on towards Derby. Eventually the blue lights behind the grille came on and I pulled over. Got a 10 minute bollocking which started with "I have 3 options, to issue a fixed penalty notice, to prosecute you for travelling at 138 mph, which was the fastest we've reached on our journey" It ended with "The third option is to let you go. As I couldn't fault your driving I wont issue you with a speeding offence".


I was proud of the fact that he thought my driving was good enough not to issue a dangerous driving prosecution. 


I met him many years later when I was running the Blue Light Show. He said that he never issued speeding offences if the driving was good. A waste of everyone's time if the driver takes pride in his/her driving and isn't dangerous, no matter what the speed. 

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No reason for this thread to be locked.

The guy has obviously had a bad experience with the police and is just sharing it with us in the context of this thread.



The OP hasn't had a bad experience with the Police though?


Just maybe, God forbid the thought, Little Jimmy isn't quite telling his parents the truth? ???


Would he have slightly more reasons to be conservative with the truth than the Police Officers?


Who knows - we weren't there yet we've ran to numerous pages of 'The Police did this & The Police did that'.............



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I wasn't referring to the comments about the police, but the comments about a fellow member.

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The OP hasn't had a bad experience with the Police though?

I was not referring to the OP , but a fellow member.

Please read post 73 again 


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sorry my mistake :blush:


Should have realised that by five pages in the comments had nothing to do with the original heading and post and the conversation had just descended into a general 'the Police did this to me and The Police did that'




Must learn to avoid this part of the forum!

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At the end of the day, the police are doing a job, IMHO a good job against the odds.

This thread only goes to prove a point, we get pulled for a reason! That reason is that we have broken the laws, and in most cases we are aware of it.... Sometimes the reasons may not be clear to ourselves but with the results, finds etc that the police get from random stops only goes to justify their reasons for a stop.

I've been the gobby little ****e with the attitude at 18, ive also heard the traffic cops storys told with a lump in their throat of when they've had to visit families of young drivers and victims in the middle of the night or Xmas day morning to deliver sad news.

The police have my respect and if only everyone else did then this world would be a better place...

Sometimes a section 59 may seem harse, but if it saves one life, or makes one person think twice before being an ass, long may it continue.

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Well said Darren. can't agree more.


When I was 17 I was stopped along Park Lane. We had to move right up to the shop fronts so as to be heard above the roar of the traffic. I was given a good telling off for driving to fast, but I think he really stopped me to check my licence as I looked so young then (still do  :p )


At the end of his lecture he finished with "Remember it's 30 mph along here". I responded with, looking at the traffic whizzing along Park Lane "You wouldn't Fu*king think so".


Hand in his top pocket, out came the little book and it cost me £10 (I think that ws the fine in those days, about a half a weeks waged).


Taught me a priceless lesson though. Keep mouth zipped and always be polite.

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Ohh Echoz that comment did make me laugh.


I can see why you were arrested with a short fuse like that :p


Anyway threads like this start to bore me because no matter what the police do they never win


I 100% agree there are job worth out there (trust me I know there are) but there are some very good and profesisonal police officers out there (again I know there are)


Peace and love



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Ohh and if people arnt careful we might be looking at quoting some law from the malicious communications act soon and passing this thread onto the relevant authorities  :laugh:






























Thats a joke by the way...

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Dan, agreed, but in my experience, which is quiet wide, there are more sensible ones than the odd stupid one.

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100% agree. Unfortuantly the bad experiences will always outway the good ones.


The press never help and always give the police a bad name, however they often over look the good work done by officers.



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too true mate (crashioli), I am always respectful to the police, because you do come across ones that are great at what they do, and by no means do i wish to upset those that do their job well, nor do i wish to end up nicked by the ones who are out to make my life a misery, life is to short to be difficult, but it gets harder and harder everytime to remain calm when you are clearly being dealt with wrongly badsed on teh merit that they suspect you will take it on the chin quietly and just accept it, whereas the otehr party will cause no end of stink for them! the night i was on about, when myself, 2 friends and there mum and little brother managed to get away from the ruckas, we walked back to his house at the top of the village, and 3 of the people who werre at tthe pub were at the top of his road, witnessed by the nextdoor nneighbour retrieving something long and heavy looking from under their car, the police arived shortly after, and despite being told this, let them leave. 


I used to watch these cop programs on TV when i was younger and wonder how in the real bad places groups of kids turn up to throw everything they can at the police, forcing them to leave, now i understand completely why people would do this, granted the majority of these people are just idiots with bad backgrounds, but what hope have the police got if law abiding citizens like myself and clearly others on this thread, are being pushed into that way of thinking? 


I see it a bit like how it was in school, the naughty kids get away with blue murder, and are praised for doing one little thing right, in fact they are normally rewarded with things, Whereas a child taht is good 98% of the time, studies hard and keeps out of trouble, puts one toe out of line and everyone crashes down on them, where if the naughty kid had done it everyone would just be like "ohwell what can we do, he wont listen". 


More and more people don't suipport the police, I see what the job does to people, my Dad is a policeman, I understand that it is a very difficult job that I certainly wouldn't liek to do, but it outrages me taht hard working decent men like my old man who are fairer than fair, have an instant bad name becuase a large percentage of police seemingly like to abuse their power! :down:

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sorry my mistake :blush:


Should have realised that by five pages in the comments had nothing to do with the original heading and post and the conversation had just descended into a general 'the Police did this to me and The Police did that'




Must learn to avoid this part of the forum!

Not at all Sir, merely certain peoples did this and did that, but then that's like "this young man is a young man so surely he must have been doing something wrong"  It's irritating being judged on others actions aye! 

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couldnt agree more mate. It is the **** ones that give all the good 'uns a bad name :yes: 


I am sorry to hear of your bad experience... I have also had bad experiences with local police and it is very very annoying



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