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Mid life crisis

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Maybe we should have another poll ???



o     All coppers are d1ck heads


o     Police are happy ,helpful and a wonderful use of tax payers money

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I got pulled for speeding on a notorious road down here.Still accelerating and clocked at 140mph....not clever I know,but pulled over as soon as requested to(aware of vehicle up my @rse)and not stupid enough to argue.


LET OFF.........completely.......shook my hand and off I went....70mph slower.


So not all d1ck heads but bl''"dy inconsistent.

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A few years back I had a highly modified Evo. I was driving home from work, one Summer's evening, in a long queue of traffic, everyone driving the same speed and doing nothing untoward.


We came to a standstill at a set of lights and a police motorcyclist suddenly pulled alongside me, flashed his blues and gesticulated for me to follow him, before pulling me over in a layby a couple of hundred metres later. As I wasn't doing anything different from anyone else, I presumed I had a brake light out or something. He was an older chap and the first thing he did was reassure me that I wasn't in any trouble, although he did say that I, along with everyone else was exceeding the 40mph limit, albeit by a fraction.


The point he then made, very clearly and which has remained with me ever since, was and to quote, that his "younger colleagues" would have taken great pleasure in "throwing the book at me" and making life difficult, for no other reason than I "stood out from the crowd,"  even though, in terms of my driving, I wasn't doing anything different than anyone else. When I asked him why he simply said "jealousy and power" and left it at that. He advised me to simply give them no excuse whatsoever, to pull me over, before asking me questions about the car, taking a look under the bonnet and telling me to enjoy it, by all means, but to stay safe and aware.   :d He was a good, experienced Copper, with a common sense approach and I thanked him for the heads up.


Now I won't generalise because I've come across plenty of good, fair Police Officers in my time and of all ages, but equally I've come across others, either directly or indirectly, more often much younger though, who clearly do enjoy the power of the badge and uniform and making life a bit more difficult than it needs to be, when a little common sense would go a long way to gaining some respect on the one hand and indeed addressing the issue in question, on the other.


As a footnote to that story though and in the balance of fairness, my young lad is currently learning to drive and some of his friends have recently passed their tests and already have their first cars. At the moment, they all tend to congregate at a local supermarket car park, in the evenings but, instead of discouraging it, the local Special Constable is always on the scene, mingling and talking with the lads, advising them about their cars, telling them to be careful and to understand the potential consequences of their actions on the road. He can't be more than 23 / 24 years old but he engages with the boys constantly and in such an open, relaxed, non-officious and informal way that they listen and engage back and he has without doubt gained their respect and made an extremely positive impression on them. Just shows how the right attitude and approach and good communication skills, can pay big dividends and in the words of my son, "PC White is a Legend" 


Maybe there's hope yet although I think we all have to accept that a level of inconsistency will always remain.

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Strange and unlikely,but the copper who `let me off` could be the same one who had a chat with you.The first thing he said to me was ` I`m not going to knick you.....there`s no point`He was nearer 60 than 50.?Decent bloke!

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Mac thank you for putting into words my exact feelings :)

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Oh well my little Echo, that's almost begging Scott to lock the thread.


No reason for this thread to be locked.

The guy has obviously had a bad experience with the police and is just sharing it with us in the context of this thread.

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i had my head kicked into a kerb, my 2 mates were arrested as the people who did it rung the police and said we started on them? they also took my keys, robbed my car of everything in it, (passport, wallet, dvds and other belongings as id onlky just come back from uni) then set fire to it! nothing happened to any of them but both my mates were on bail for a year for made up accusations! its really hard to not hate the police for me! theyve done noithing but wrong me from the start! i wont ever be calling them again thats for sure!

That's unlucky to disgusting!

Pre Birmingham I had been pulled over a couple of times driving from Bournemouth-Blandford after nights out. I if driving, that's me on soft drinks, not even one. So pulled over and just checked over. I was nice, had driving license to hand and when pulled over first thing I do is get out and walk infront of my car into safety. But passengers did me no favours! Drunk young lads!

In Birmingham however I've had a few bad experiences. A guy 17-18 kinda age barged by at a bar overly aggressively, I grabbed his belt and flicked him back out of the queue and he fell on his A***, everyone pointing and laughing. Jumped up, grabbed me by the neck finger in face threatening me. A remained calm and suggested he had had enough and should go home. He pinched me in the face, pushed him off me and proper chinned him, just one punch. I then walked away and out the door. Four coppers were shouting at me, I stopped and turned around and they were accusing me of everything under the sun and a group of lads had stated he was waiting at the bar and I'd hit him. During this the guy came out, rather angry, shouting at me, threatening to kill me and the usual. I then asked the police officer if they checked his age and why I was in trouble. I was driving and hadn't had a single sip of anything. I was perfectly calm and non-aggressive. Whereas the youth was clearly wrecked and very aggressive, I was handed a 57 order (or something) banning me from certain drinking/entertainment zones, nice map on the back, for 10 days. No record would be made, if I was found in the banned area's I would be charged as a breech of bail type offence. I asked what would happen to him "They contacted us, makes them the victim and unfortunately the case is often that they have caused the issue, but we have to follow our protocol. I asked for an escort to my car as there was a gang now chanting and threatening me, this was declined. Copper walked off, bottle thrown in my direction copper looked round, saw this came back and cuffed me, walked me to their car and drove me to mine.

That's why the youth get away with it, had other incidents where a gob shlte has tried it on, grabbed me then hit me, I've held my own and walked off thinking scuffle over... To have police turn up and arrest me as they called police. Kinda like calling mummy and daddy if they don't get their own way.

I have respect for laws and police, always calm when speaking to them and usually have the same back. They often agree with me, but as others called the police I'm in the wrong! However if I call the police they do not turn up or if they do they do nothing. But usually following getting driven into or run over.

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Blame mobile phones. Back in the old land line days, the sort of scrotes you're talking about Crashy would have done nothing except avoid the BiB, now it's so easy to just pick up their mobiles and hit 999...


And just as you say, they always seem to be the first to dial, and shout loudest about their rights, the injustice etc.

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