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Section 59

Mid life crisis

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and to people saying he should have pulled over, have you ever pulled over when this is happening and had your car blocked in, especially if you are panicking abit and doont think! it's not nice having someone try drag you out your car! this has really wound me up, why cant some people accept that some police officers are just powerr hungry c***s! :angry: what if it was your wife driving home from her mothers late at night with your small child in teh car, would you suggest she pulls over if a car is tailgating her! would you hell! the relationship between police and public is a tattered one, and its only going to get worse! ive lost my faith in them a long time ago, and the courts, and everything else taht is meant to be here to help us. what a fantastic country we are :bangshead:


ETA: C word gets through the swearfilter!

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I meant that "Hes sped away from an unmarked police car instead of slowing down or pulling over" in the way that if anything an unmarked car is worse to speed away from because they will claim he was tying to 'race'. If it was a marked police car then I can bet he wouldn't have sped away. 


At the end of the day you or I do not know the exact circumstances of the incident. If we did we could both comment on what they did wrong/right but as we dont whats the point. 


If he really feels that two grown professional men 'bullied' him into signing a piece of paper then he can make an official complaint against the two officers. However he is grown up enough to be driving on the roads, so therefore he should be grown up enough to make his own decision and not sign anything. 


Hope this helps




Dickish attitude that helps towards the hatred of police officers, surely you are not telling me that as adults,. bullying doesn't happen anymore! ~If you are genuinley telling me every officer is an outstanding citizen and a credit to the force, you sire are massively deluded! Like I have said, there are some great PO's, I've had the pleasure of chatting to a few who used logic common sense reason and respect, had a good chat and a laugh for 10 mins and was on my way! There are others who like to shine a torch in your face whilst naming 100 accusations and are generally c***s! These are the ones that then end up getting assaulted when they do it to the wrong nasty pr**k in town one eve! 


Maybe the police should offer the advice that you do not have to sign it there and then! Heaven f***** forbid they should try actually help someone! 

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i thought that if it was an unmarked car you didnt have to stop till you found somewhere you felt was safe.


have to say ive had plenty of cops follow me over the years. but stopped only twice. the second time was in liverpool. v6 mondeo. about 11.30 on my way to the GF house. lights went green. foot went down to the floor, wheels squeeled, another one bit the dust at the traffic light rally. it was one fo those junctions where 2 lanes the other side merge back into 1 but quite a wide road easy big enough for 4 lanes but no verge. i would say i was a good 800yds down the road. the blue lights went on. i pulled over and waited.


that copper had me bang to rights. no questions. he even commented on the fact that i stopped immedialty so i knew i was in the wrong. when asked why i did it i had no excuse i just appologised said i was tired and wanted to get there and the lanes merged usual s***ty excuses. to make matters worse the car was registered in doncaster but insured in liverpool. he asked about that and i said i was a student its here most of the time so it needs to be insured here as thats what the insurance said.


norm is right answer properly, dont be a dick. that guy could have thrown the book at me instead he gave me a ticking off and told me to stop being a nunney. i guess now he proably would have


also i think the police were right to stop the kid. maybe not the way they did but young lad in what is implied to be a very expensive new car (BMW/jag/merc/audi/porka) in the middle of the night would arouse suspicion. its not right that it does but should be sort of expected. i thought a kid who used to drive his dads ovrefinch alot. he would get stopped to the extent that he had a photocopy of the relevent docs in the car andhis driving licence. everytime it was sorted in 5 mins.

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I'll say it again.


We don't know that they drove in a threatening manner, only that he sped away when they approached him from behind.


We don't know what was said when he did stop.


I fully accept there are policemen and women who do bend the rules to get someone. But we do not know that this happened here.

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Feel sorry for him but like kirky boy said three sides to a story


Im sure that your friends son was getting a distance between himself and the officers, and i hope you dont take offence or fall out with me but all young lads have the tendency to speed nobody is whiter than white!


irrespective of the time of day if this was you in your westie and unmarked car is pushing you (if its a proper unmarked unit ie response or tactical it wont be an astra more likely an S3 or subaru etc) how big would your distance have been? bet its more than what the highway code says lol :d

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White unmarked Audi S3 Quattro



If I had been by myself in the Volvo, with two people up my chuff, at that time of the morning.



It would of been very heavy on the loud pedal and if they had tried to overtake me, without making it known they were police officers, a visit to the scenery on the opposite side of the road for them



Oh did I mention it is a country road with no lighting and a 50mph limit




I would be tucked up in bed at that time of the morning though




But for the grace of god ??? ???

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MLC, I don't doubt for a moment all you say.


However, I do get a bit upset when people make assumptions without having first hand evidence.


Anyone who has done jury service will know what I'm talking about. Every case I sat on I wondered why we were listening to an open and shut case when the prosecution had finished. My thoughts were  "just take him out and shoot him". But then we heard the defence and it completely changed the picture. 


So, I always try and see both sides of a story. Problem with this one is we haven't heard from either side.

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And as we are not going to hear every angle and perspective of this particular case, is there any point in carrying on with this thread?  Let's just say poorly drafted law with room for good and bad execution, and a little lesson learned by a young man who's now a bit wiser about the world.


This sort of post makes me nervous, it can get out of hand so fast.  We've all learned a little something (hopefully)...

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Agree Scott, not only poorly drafted but a bad law. And we all know about bad laws, don't we.


I'll shut up now. Made may point - several times. I'm getting like guest  :)

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whats that saying again...take a chill pill?



you might want to calm down before you get yourself locked up again  :p




Point. Case. Example.


And for your little black book of information, I was arrested due to my brother assaulting me, i rang the police and his girlfriend at the time lied to the police, who knew the situation, and still deemed it necessary to arrest me, a decision that was considered a farce by everyone involved. Spent 9 hours in a police cell sat around being bored because some A*** with a d*** wedged firmly up his A*** couldn't use a bit of common sense and apparently didn't read the memo, or do his homework on the situation, despite it being well known what my brother is like! Some truly inspirational police work which is up there as one of the few main reasons I know longer have any faith in the police. 

I find it amusing that you find this a matter to mock, but then it would seem you are one of the ones that leads people into feeling like this, so please do take my sincerest congratulations, I'm glad that you are proud to be a part of the that! :)


Chill pills, wouldn't need one if people could use their brain in a more effective manner! 


Good day to you :)

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Oh well my little Echo, that's almost begging Scott to lock the thread.

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