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Section 59

Mid life crisis

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(This is because if I start I won't stop)

I've had uninsured drivers, drivers drive off after incidents... Etc. Also people slamming brakes on, get out of car rubbing their neck shouting about hitting them when I stopped a foot away!

Had a mate's car jacked at a junction and several reported attempts where one person comes to passenger window shouting, banging on window... While someone creeps down driver side and opens the door, or attempts it! Doors locked, windows shut and main roads are only way to drive around here. Also a newspaper in back window while reversing out of a space and person legs if, as other person creeps round the front. As driver gets out, other person jumps in and will/have run over the victim. So always reverse into a parking space.

Always good in a Westfield! Hahaha.

But that's it, not a real moan, just advice! I hope the person with facial cut is ok psychologically. My wife's not ok in cars due to being driven into and she's nervous 3yrs on after dog bite to face.

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Had exactly the same thing happen to me but in 1970 when I was a lad.    A black Austin Cambridge followed me for sometime up my chuff and I was happily cruising at the prescribed speed limits, turned off a main road and booted the car seeing if he would follow me and he did.  In those days it was Skinheads who were reviled in duffing anyone up that looked at them the wrong way.  I evenually stopped outside my girlfreinds house  and about to run to the front door when 2 policemen called me over from the Austin Cambridge,  they asked my I was driving erratically and I told them I thought they were Skinheads chasing me,  I was told to drive carefully in the future and no action was taken.   Just goes to show the difference in the way Policing has changed over the years, they didn't have statistics and set number  many tickets/fines to issue then.  

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Agree completely, it's asking for trouble.


Good run out today Steve? (Think it was you heading through the village just after noon?)


I think a very strong letter, naming the officers to the Chief Constable and his boss, the newly appointed Gov Rep, from the lads parents should follow


What's it got to do with the parents?  Surely if the lad feels aggrieved he should be the one complaining?  Letter from parents is just a load of hearsay and would most likely come across as parents defending child irrespective of the facts.

OK very good point :)


I think a very strong letter, naming the officers to the Chief Constable and cc to his boss, the newly appointed Gov Rep, "written by" the lads parents should follow


:)  :) 

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Is there a way to appeal the section 59?

Every incident in Birmingham I've been involved in has required me to fight my way through and police to do anything. However, down in Devon/Dorset I've been pulled over because it's late and was unusual. Been randomly requested to pull over and everything, including breath checked. When run over in Birmingham the case was closed as a minor incident before I was discharged from hospital and no communication from police was made.

I was unsure if this was police force difference, police officer difference or time and attitude. Now I feel like Victor Meldrew!

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Is there a way to appeal the section 59?

Every incident in Birmingham I've been involved in has required me to fight my way through and police to do anything. However, down in Devon/Dorset I've been pulled over because it's late and was unusual. Been randomly requested to pull over and everything, including breath checked. When run over in Birmingham the case was closed as a minor incident before I was discharged from hospital and no communication from police was made.

I was unsure if this was police force difference, police officer difference or time and attitude. Now I feel like Victor Meldrew!

Is there a way to appeal the section 59?





I don't think there is any right to appeal, other than kicking up a fuss with the CC and even then I don't think anything would be done



This is one of the reasons for my initial post, as a heads up to other parents. I personaly never new Section 59 existed

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Do people really think the police go out of their way to cause people to break the law? .... How stupid can you get....

The facts are are the police considered a law to be broken and acted in line with the job for which they are employed.

No copper i know, or ever meet has talked down to anyone for no reason, however every copper I've met has reacted accordinly to someone their stopped having an attitude.

If you put your foot down only to find its been a copper behind you, just accept its bad luck and move on. That or simply don't be stupid enough to do it in the first place.....

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Section 59 is a bad law. It was brought in to deal with the tesco tearaways who made a nusiance but broke no laws that were easily proved. When it came out the chattering classes all hailed it as good but now it is being applied badly by some officers. As others have said the police in the main are good but there will always be those who wear a uniform who abuse it.

So lets see how section 59 can be used, take my Westfiled, it passed the SVA IIRC with 95 decibles from the exhaust, but now a policeman with no equipment can pass judgement that it is too loud and issue an S59. THey can issue it for many things as if in their opinion the car is likely to cause distress or nusiance then they just use it as a catch all. This include loud cars, stereos etc.

Now in the past it was no differant in many ways but the law had to be followed through. I had a jacked up Capri with side pipes and wide wheels etc all perfectly legal but looking back not inconspicuose, it was the late 70's. My now wife lived in Barnsley so every night I would be driving home at 12 to one in the morning and used to get stopped a lot. One week I got stopped 7 nights in a row and took 5 producers at once to the police station, it was annoying but that was the way it was. Had S59 been in force them they could have taken the car on the opinion of one officer, as I said a bad law.

Now back to the OP, there is no good reason that the young driver put his foot down, had he thought he was being followed he should have called the police. My daughter has been told to never stop for an unmarked car if she is alone instead to call the police herself  or pull off to a service area to make sure she is safe. Marked cars are stop as soon as you can. we only have the word of the young guy as to the exact circumstances but he may have failed the attitude test when stopped but certainly appearing to speed up to make space is bad. I was always told to slow down and let them pass in those circumstances if the persist just drive normally.

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Difficult to phone police whilst driving! - illegal maybe unless hands free.

If you stop then if its car thieves or hooligans you are in trouble. I test drove a car last week from a main dealer in Wakefield. They wanted proof of ID plus a driving licence and when we got in the car the guy locked the doors manually. When I asked why he said last they had just had a salesman put in hospital when a salesman was attacked by someone pretending to test the car and an accomplice who flagged them down from the side of the road only about 1/4 mile from garage. They threatened to kill him with a knife unless keys were handed over. Apparently there have been several similar incidents 

He said he is not stooping for anybody

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Jeff, whilst I agree that section 59 is a bad law, I think it's the politicians who are to blame not the Police who carry out parliaments will.


If a bobby failed to use it he would be in trouble. Maybe some will use it inappropriately but if it wasn't there they wouldn't be able to.


The problem with a lot of our comments, mine included, is we just don't know what happened,. We don't know how close the unmarked car was nor do we know what was said when the conversation took place.  


My feelings are that if some young thugs were out for trouble you'd know as they would be driving far more recklessly than "driving close". 

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It's not good!

However I do find relief that other people have similar issues to me.

My nan's 75th yesterday, so I graced her with a phone call. Wished a happy 50th... Ended up in discussion on how she would not want to be 50 now and live the rest of her life in this world.

"The aftermath of World War Two was a better climate than the present!"

"I'm 75, pretty fit and able bodied, but people barge through doors instead of holding them, there's no respect in any direction from anyone."

My nan's very able bodied for her age and goes out often, but is always hearing about her friends getting mugged, robbed or similar.

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I put the blame for that fully on parliament. The police can catch these people and take them to court. However the courts tell them they are naughty and must do so many hours work for the community. They don't turn up and, after a while, the police are asked to re-arrest them.

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I say execute them!

Only have to do it to a few... They'll soon stop!

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20 years ago there was a discussion on R4 "the world tonight". The collected brains were discussing the problem of burglary. A chap with an Oxbridge accent stated that we should do as they do in his country and chop the left hand off after 3 offences. I haughty women was disgusted and said that that was barbaric and couldn't be allowed in our country.


Mt Oxbridge calmly responded by saying "You don't understand. Madam, you'd only have to do it 3 times and all theft would stop."


Maybe there's a half way position?

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Do people really think the police go out of their way to cause people to break the law? .... How stupid can you get....

The facts are are the police considered a law to be broken and acted in line with the job for which they are employed.

No copper i know, or ever meet has talked down to anyone for no reason, however every copper I've met has reacted accordinly to someone their stopped having an attitude.

If you put your foot down only to find its been a copper behind you, just accept its bad luck and move on. That or simply don't be stupid enough to do it in the first place.....

I've been stopped a handful of times in my life and every time I have been patronised to the highest degree. It's left me with a very bad opinion of traffic cops. I would never be aggressive, cocky, or rude. You only have to watch the current tv fly on the wall cop shows to see that a fair few of the traffic cops are jumped up jobsworths with a badge and a high vis jacket.

Conversely , when I've been burgled / had bikes stolen and the police have come to my house they have been really nice to deal with.

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had the same happen to me once with a black unmarked focus following me round town right up my A***, flashing headlights and such like, was all over my A***, assumed to be some jumped up A******e wanting trouble, so sped up abit, kept following me, followed me uinto a car park, which i did a lap of and tried leaving he flew up the side of me and started shouting out the window, then proceeded to give me a section 59! was only 19 at the time and thought it best to just shut up and accept fate! and they wonder why more and more young people hate them! 


There are very few coppers round these days, when you do meet them its a pleasure and a reminder of the good job the police force do, unfortunately the majority i have come across are pigs, and fater spending my life from 15 - 20 defending the police to anyone that bad mouthed them (due to my dad being a policeman and knowing that they arent all bent) i have finally given up and just seem to find myself annoyed when they are simply in my presence! its sad taht that is the case, but i feel put out by them, ive only ever had to ring the police once, and when they arrived they arrested me. in myown house, with a huge gash in my head where id just been assaulted! then last summer 13 people attacked me and 2 mates, and there mum and 12 year old brother, i had my head kicked into a kerb, my 2 mates were arrested as the people who did it rung the police and said we started on them? they also took my keys, robbed my car of everything in it, (passport, wallet, dvds and other belongings as id onlky just come back from uni) then set fire to it! nothing happened to any of them but both my mates were on bail for a year for made up accusations! its really hard to not hate the police for me! theyve done noithing but wrong me from the start! i wont ever be calling them again thats for sure! 

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