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Adding picture to my profile...HOW?


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Can someone please help ?Tried getting rid of silhouette put up with my postings.When I go on my profile and try to add picture ,I`m told file too large..not a clue what this means..I`m a builder !!!

Could someone advise me as how to do it please?

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Well a builder will use a bolster and a hammer to make things smaller.  :)


You need to reduce the pixel size of the picture. Give me a minute and I'll see if the standard photo editing stuff on windows can do it.


Back soon.

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Email me the photo (see below) and I'll sort it. :)

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Thanks Scott, I've had a root around it it would seem that none of the windows editing stuff allows size reduction (no comments please). I came back to say what you've just said.

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I was struggling too, in the end this worked...


Right click on image you want

select open with

open image using MS Picture Manager

click Picture on Menu Bar and select Resize

resize image so that file size is below 50KB, something around 200 x 300 worked for me


Hope this helps

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Thanks guys....I`ll get a picture to you Scott......may let the kids choose,so be ready for ducklings or chicken chicks as they are the current flavour of this month......we`ve got loads of them !! :laugh:

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I was struggling too, in the end this worked...


Right click on image you want

select open with

open image using MS Picture Manager

click Picture on Menu Bar and select Resize

resize image so that file size is below 50KB, something around 200 x 300 worked for me


Hope this helps

Thanks for the help.Sending Scott a picture to post,but once done I`ll try your route so I can change at sometime.

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My system hasn't got MS picture manager.

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OK, thanks, I'll have a look. I've found a Photoshop 5 disc with a serial number on it and loaded that. Probably all I need. I've also got a Photoshop Elements 2 but no serial number.

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The easy way is to Email the picky to yourself . Windows mail asks "what size would you like " select small size , send the mail , close windows mail , open windows mail , save pic to a file of your choice , copy and pace into Westy forum thingy .


Simples :)

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I tried to download MS picture manager from 2 different sites. On both attempts AVG reported something nasty so I gave up.


I've never been asked what size I want when emailing pictures, I'm going to try that.

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