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time to say goodbye ,so its goodbye from me


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I have lived in Brum and London.  The secret to stress free driving (for you) is to drive a car you do not like. In my case it was a tatty 1.6 Astra .  This enables one too get out into any traffic ... just pull out in front  of any suitably expensive car.  the odd fender bender ( usually inflicted while parked)  just adds  to the uninsured ambiance which gives it a protective field while driving.

I am sure you all have seen me.....   

I know live in the sticks ... you can have nice car out here ....it will be covered in mud most of the time and scratched all down the side from diving into hedges avoiding the tatty uninsured cars that will not pull over on the lanes.... not much difference really

The good thing is.... it is really difficult to (just) scratch the side of a Westie !

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See GDH expects accidents in Brum/London!

Actually I've noticed more lane drivers that just keep coming at you in the same way they do in Birmingham "I'm bigger, I'm dominating, you love your car, so you will move!". Took Westfield from Plymouth to Bigbury, only once, never again! At the time I said it was Brummies on holiday!

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woooooohooooo i am the 20% :yes: i came out the other side and feelin good to ,  well i went through brum centre then onto peterborough , 5ft snow drifts accross the roads ,m1 closed due to snow etc etc

never saw one accident or near miss even though conditions are the worst i have ever driven in tbh  ,m6 down to one lane ,m1 closed,a50 down to one lane and just passable in places ,several roads totally inpassable infact 5 ft drifts accross the roads, i had to reverse about 1/2 a mile because of drifts spent a hour driving around trying to get out of snow drift hell around the m1

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Snow has caused most of the traffic to be out of the way . When driving the last couple of days it's been quiet roads.

The roads are shocking, never seen snow like it in the UK. Local council ain't made any effort what so ever to clear anything. However I'm unsure to what could've been done.

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you have to get back yet. he he he :devil:

Be ok, snow will keep traffic down. I found driving here much better and less dangerous in the snow.

Hope you don't get stuck Steve... Been shocking stories of 16ft drifts

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