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Windows 8

Norman Verona

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Turning it off is the only thin that irritates me after 3 or so months of using it. But I now just press ctrl alt del and the power off option is there

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HMs machine is HP and it says just to turn the on/off switch to off. Not that we've turned it off yet.

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It's worth spending the time getting to know - you'll end up finding that most of the stuff you do is quicker than before, but you don't realise. My only remaining bug bear is why the desktop implementation of IE supports websites better than the 'normal' version.

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Your right stuart. I have have problems with internet access at home (Bt standard slow ISDN) and having to download stuff is a pain. Its just the way they are thinking of going. When broadband is actually properly country wide it may be a benefit but at the moment all my work is saved on drives with very little being saved in the cloud. 

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I'm sure I read in a PC mag when I was looking at the options for a new laptop that Win 8 can be set up to function as Windows 7.

t'internet search for this may bear fruit!


Have to admit that I'm taking time to get to grips with it!

But having moved from Vista it's brill.

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Smeg,it's one of the standard tiles. They call it "desktop". Not 100% the same but close enough. If you put the cursor in the bottom left corner a window pops up with all the "start" options.


As she only uses facebook and skype video she's happy.

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I just upgraded from Vista... to Win7.


Everything I read suggests that 8 is a PITA for business use, although I may try 8 on a touchscreen PC to see what it's like.


I'm increasingly convinced that MS have a "good version" - "bad version" cycle (each time they try something new it doesn't seem to work well, but then gets fixed for the next release, before they go and break it again!).  Hopefully I'm now aligned with the right one!

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I think it will be really good with a touch screen. It will like a smart phone.


Good luck with 7. I find it OK and the only problem I've had before now is that I have to restart explorer.exe about every 10 days. Only takes 30 seconds so no real problem.

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