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Curborough Sprint 16th June 2013 (Round 19)

John Fisher

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yes marshall is, i will if my eyes are back to normal if not ill be enforcing the new no beer zone

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Apologies - James (alexander72) - should have replied. :down:  :down:


Many thanks for offer of help. :)  :)


Will be in touch




Fish :)  :)

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To all the grass cutters and Friday setter upper's, there is an event on at Curborough on Friday 14 June from 16:00 to 18:30.

I'll be lapping the track..... with the kids..... on our bikes with the school PTA.

Be warned that were are some real safety jobsworths involved last time that prevent access to some areas for safety of kids etc. Wouldn't let us on track without checking over our bikes for us as well.... I nodded at appropriate moments and just got on with it.

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Hi Fish,


Gadgetman has PM'd me asking if I could accompany him marshalling on the start line again as we did last year - Gadgetman and Gadget together! Of course I said yes!

Would be able to assist on the trackday Saturday too if required.



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Many thanks - will add you to list




Top startline team there John, Thank Gadget's both.


Pleased everyone is volunteering, it's a great fun event, but can someone please volunteer to commentate as otherwise you might end up with me, dreadful thought  :o  :oops:  ???  :suspect:  :blush:

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Oh lord no, I enjoy doing the start line, but Im not sure I could cope if half the drivers arrived sobbing uncontrollably!


Someone volunteer to commentate, please.

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I'm sure there are some budding Murray's out there whow would want to hone their skill??

Steve D perhaps!!!!


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Might a need a bleep machine :laugh:

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OVER TO YOU STEVE    "goodness me what the devil $$$$£"£   &&*^^***(()%%$£$"   ^^&^%$£%**()()%$$"£"&   YYU&*&Y&*%XT^&^&&**    OTU DC"


Thanks for that Steve nice weather today glad to see all the young families here enjoying themselves what do you think SD 


"F**** O** T**   O & Out"

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