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Need to move unregistered westfield


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Find a mate that has a mate in the motor trade and borrow their trade plates.

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It's a question of risk.  It may be just three streets away, but how far is that in real distance?  How busy are the roads to be used?  Will it cause an obstruction and impediment to the flow of traffic during the move?  These all have a bearing on the answer.


If it were me in this position, I think the safest way (if a trailer was not available) would be to do so at the quietest possible reasonable time, i.e. late morning or early afternoon after lunchtime; use a tow bar; make up a temporary number plate (cardboard covered with yellow paper and black numbers matching the tow car) to put on the back of the Westfield plus a sign that reads "On Tow"; and have someone in the Westfield using hand signals to relay those of the tow car (with perhaps a third person following in another car, possibly with the hazard lights on if necessary).  I think most police officers would view that as taking every reasonable precaution.

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For such a short distance I'd ask a couple of mates and push it, then take them down the pub after and buy them a drink :)


This would be my plan.


I think it's illegal to push it on the road without tax and insurance.


Its not illegal to push a pram on the road without tax insurance, or a walk behind mower, or....





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Just do it... push it

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Daniel, a pram hasn't got an engine.


I used to know all this as we built commercial vehicle bodies and I had all the vehicle legislation to hand.


If I remember correctly all powered road going vehicles need to be registered and therefore taxed and insured.


As above, just tow it on a Sunday morning. If you get stopped explain it's not completely built, will not drive under it's own power and, as far as you can ascertain doesn't require registering, taxing or insurance. I take it the brakes and steering work.

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Get a couple of mates positioned down the route keeping lookout and when the coast is clear - blat it!



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If i remember correctly - Put a rigid drawbar on it and it becomes a trailer. Rig up trailer lights and off you go.

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If i was you i'd get my fag to drive it and take the consequences if he gets caught......... oooops, forgot i'm not at school anymore.....

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I didn't say that. I said that a motorized vehicle needs tax and insurance if used on the road.


I do know of a case where a driver parked up in the Kings Road and went to a leaving party - his leaving party. Came out in the early hours of the morning in no fit state to walk let alone drive. Thought he'd better move the car into a side street so unlocked the ignition lock and started pushing. Two bobbies came over to help him and realised he was pi55ed out of his head. They locked the car up then locked him up. He was charged with drunk driving and got a 6 month ban. At no time did he drive the car but the keys were in the ignition and he was in control of it.

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Even if the keys were in his pocket he still would have been nicked, he should have left the keys at the party.

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It was in a pub.

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Yup a friend of mine was sleeping in his car as he got drunk, and also arrested as the keys were in the car (albeit on the passenger seat)

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