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Need to move unregistered westfield


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Is it even legally classified as a car if it's nowhere near fully built (and hence far from being registrable as such)???


I suspect there are quite a few people who would be tempted to just push it round one evening... 1/2 mile would be no distance at all if there's a couple of you and you keep it moving.

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Why don't you speak to your local police station and ask them if you can? If they say yes, get a name and badge number. If they say no, then at least you know!

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But if you ask and its a NO then you cant say you were unaware of it being illegal!

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Its only 1/2 mile, chances of being caught next to none.  Tow pole and get it moved personally

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I know of a guy that bought a nearly finished car (Red), nearly finished it, SVA was too much messing about for him. So bought a second car, broken! But not declared to insurance and was going you use both to make one. However all he used was log book, which he changed colour on, tax and number plates.

Anyway, he drove the red car, without plates! A fair few times and never got questioned. Then put plates on and still drives it to this day. He asked me if I could get someone here to stamp a chassis number!

Don't worry, I've reported it, in detail, to the local police. Saw him driving six weeks later so reported it again. I drove by his, still has car in his garage.

So links to this thread because you could just drive it, even if reported you'll be ok!

But I would trailer it.

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But if you ask and its a NO then you cant say you were unaware of it being illegal!


That wont wash if he gets stopped - ignorance is no defence

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For such a short distance I'd ask a couple of mates and push it, then take them down the pub after and buy them a drink :)

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I think it's illegal to push it on the road without tax and insurance.

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I think it's illegal to push it on the road without tax and insurance.


But it's not a car yet :oops: in a similar way I can push my wheel barrow up the road without having to tax and insure it :d


IMO in the eyes of the statutory instrument its a pedestrian controlled vehicle which is expempted from the registration and licencing regs.

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Mark, it has an engine. There's no requirement for it to work.

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My professional (ish) opinion is that if you push it you'll be fine. Especially if it's not registered, is not capable of running, no petrol and is not on a main road. You'd be hard pushed to find a UK copper who would look to do you for that unless you had serious previous criminal past. Not in the public interest. Just don't let go down a hill....

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I have a petrol driven snow blower !!!!!!!

Wait for it And I asked everyone about my use of it on the public highway to clear the snow

I asked council and police and couldn't get a definitive answer :(

The national farmers union came up with

It's pedestrian controlled so no tax insurance or MOT

It might have a motor and be driven but its walk behind with no seat

This probably doesn't help as no one knows for sure

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If you think about it that's probably correct. You don't tax a petrol driven lawn mower.


But would you have to register and tax a ride on mower?



Moff, I take you think that towing it isn't a good idea. If so can I ask why?

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