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Bonnet Rubbing - Is It Normal?

Doug Dastardly

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Evening all,


Wasn't sure which forum to put this in, it's not very technical, or very newbie ???  or maybe it is, I couldn't decide. Mods please feel free to move it.


As it's not so easy for me to pop along to my local meet I'm not sure if this is normal, or if I've fitted my bonnet too tight. Either way I'm wondering will it get worse and can I, or should I do something about it?


Here's some pics:









The left side is the same although not so bad.


If nothing else I think I'll fit some 3M paint protection film.


Has anyone got some words of wisdom for me?





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Mine chafes :oops: but not as much as yours has.

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So does mine - but, like Smokey Mow, so far not as bad as your's Doug.  I was considering a low friction Teflon/PTFE tape along all the bonnet contact lines, we use it at work to stop fretting on panels/frames so I'm waiting for some to become life expired!

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Mine does that to a lesser degree on the passenger side only. I did a pretty poor job of fitting the bonnet - maybe that's the trick ;)

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Mine does it too and it wobbles around a bit which can be alarming. After I've got the car up and running with the new Koso DigiDash I'll start to look into it a bit more as I have the bonnet and scuttle off at the mo.


AFAIK there should be a little wriggle room between the bonnet and the scuttle and nosecone, some tape or thin-ish foam tape should do the trick.

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Nice to know it's worse than normal so I can do something about it. Thanks all.


I'll have a look tomorrow and either add some thin foam onto the vertical edge or some paint protection plastic if there's no room.


I can't tweek the bonnet as it sits on lugs, so trying to move the bonnet hinge (FW bonnet) is not an option.


Thanks for replying.



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Doug Ime more concerned with the rug obscuring your view how do you drive like that  :oops:

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Nose cone can be move forward to allow a bit more space, but cold make it worse. So could move it back to make it tighter!

I do many miles and use car as daily drive. A minimum of 500 miles a week! I've found that sticking foam on bonnet works best. Then when you take it of you don't damage it when you lean it on something... Then a small rough bit won't scratch bodywork.

If you use t-cut and elbow grease coupled with patience that scuff will vanish. Had far worse marks than that and they have gone.

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I think you can get it to seat a bit better..but...don't expect production car body fit.  It's a kit car and the bodywork flexes (and cracks).  Set your sights on a great driving experience plus a good looker with a few marks of character.  

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Doug Ime more concerned with the rug obscuring your view how do you drive like that  :oops:

My head sticks out the top :laugh:  the advantage of being tall :p


As the scuttle and bonnet are both seated on locating blocks I don't think there's much I can do apart from treat the symptoms. I'd have to remove a lot from the blocks and bodge up the hinge to actually move the bonnet.


I'll see what I can do with tape and foam.


Thanks all.

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Look on the Westfield parts site, self adhesive foam tape £4.30, if you have sufficient space apply to vertical surface's front and rear, then refit bonnet. Youwill find cheaper tape but thats what the factory use.

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I've probably got a bigger selection than the factory!


That goes for nuts and bolts, convolouted tubing, bits of trim, grommets, electrical connections etc


Because postage was often costing as much as what I was ordering I always took a bit extra on the theory that it was cheaper than a second order.


Always needed something different though :laugh:  so my theory never worked.

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I had to file some material from the mounting lug on the bonnet on one side and some of the vertical edge of the bonnet where you're seeing the rubbing. However, I initially fitted by tub for ZK bodywork as per the instructions so had to shift it forward for the FW bonnet. It may have been this inaccuracy that bought me some space!

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