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this clubs chuffin awesome


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bige hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooge thanks to martyblues  , after my plea for help martin drove a 120 ish mile round trip to sort my lift ,so massive thanks to him ,this club rules :yes:  :love:  :cry:






ps he's not a bad lad really

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Got that right Steve, can't get that physical help being here in Canada but certainly get a bucket load of verbal and moral support from the membership. Friends I may never meet... Well done Marty, true gent. Long may the WSSC run and all it's strange and wonderful members. You stay on the up and up Steve....

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Surprised you're surprised.


The management of this club encourages a friendly attitude and that we help each other. best bunch of chaps I've ever met if you follow me.

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Marty is newish member as well, what a top guy helping you out

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Well done that man!

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Does that mean that Bernies down now, keep smiling.


Bob :d  :d :d  :d  :d  :d  :d  :d  

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Pre WSCC I was RHOaCR...

Average member was like Norman, only not as wise, friendly or skilled and drove a Robin Hood. I didn't think there would be that much of a difference, but it's worlds apart.

Plus if I ever need a tool, I just txt James!

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It was a bit selfish by him really.He just wanted to meet the quiet,introverted,humble,no opinionated legend that is Steve "hand grenade" Davis so he could brag to his mates! ;)


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Buzz, do you mean the Diplofat.... protector of all Cheshire.... ???:d

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Buzz, do you mean the Diplofat.... protector of all Cheshire.... ???:d



I thats the chubbster!!


.....'Protector of all Cheshire' quality pmsl!



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Nice one Marty,


I hope the honey monster left a crate of beer in your boot?  :(


Good to see you back on your feet big lad btw - but take it easy too.

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Well done Marty.


Honey Monster, what you still doing awake at gone 2 am, you need to get some sleep !!!

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Not a Honey Monster any more, all this dam building he's turned into a honey beaver!

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