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Sad World We Live In! :(


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Utterly speechless after reading this :down: 



I don't consider myself racist, not by a long stretch of the imagination, but reading things like this, sure does make me undertsnad how some people become racist :down: It is hard to rememeber to not tar everyone with the same brush :(

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Ok, if we went to another country/culture we would be forced to do what they do. Yet if they come here they do what they want and call us racist for not letting them follow out their cruel and unusual acts!

Dubai, females... Need I say any more? But if they come here they expect to do as they wish... Even if against our laws!

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im moving to asia and opening a carpet shop in one of their places of worship / prayer 

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Some cultures / people are fuc""d up

Exactly, and I just cant understand why we are sending our young soldiers out to a sh1th0le like that.

If the Russians couldn't sort them out when they didn't give a S*** about world opinion,

why the feck do we think we can do it while playing by the rules of fairplay. :angry:

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