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hospitals (nhs)what a load of ****


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Why are they allowed to moonlight?


I would have thought most contracts nowadays should phrohibit working for other employers?


And what about working time directive?



They aren't "moonlighting" as they don't work for the NHS. The BMA has always refused it's members be employed by the NHS. So the consultants are self employed and contract to do so many hours for the NHS as self employed people. Your GP isn't part of the NHS.


The WTD doesn't apply to the self employed.


Not all consultants have private patients. I know a few doctors who work 100% for the NHS and do a very good job. But they're a very rare breed.

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So when you see the size of the NHS in terms of employment, that doesn't even include all the doctors? :o

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Steve, i sympathise mate and it must be hard for you and family.


I was on a site when a bloke cut his left arm off 3 years ago.  


Treated it with cellox, called the ambulance, etc etc  


NHS in that case were excellent as it needed more than a plaster.  Air and land ambulance, umpteen doctors, and immediate response - i wouldnt have wanted to wait for a private appointment in his case as he would have died! (jest)


I think the programmed care of less than immediate cases is really lacking in some regions.


Keep smiling Wuv 

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In my experience it seems very good with emergencies (ambulances etc) but not so great in other areas. About 8 years ago my Dad was told by his NHS consultant at the GWH in Swindon that he very urgently needed a double heart bypass. Soonest they could fit him in was in 6 months! Thankfully he had private medical cover and Bupa in Bristol did it about 3 weeks later (may have been less).

The NHS is a commendable institution and I'm glad we have it. But it really doesn't work very well as far as I can see.

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DougD, I've no idea if they count the consultants in the head count.


Matt, It could be so much better if we handed over the running of the NHS to medical people. I've said that before and been shouted down on the grounds that "how would they get paid". You have what is called accounts departments to pay wages and deal with other financial matters.


I know I go on (and on and on and on) about the French system but over here all decisions are based on medical need and not cost. If a doctor says you need something, no matter what the cost, you get it. Scanners are available as are the staff to operate them, If your doctor thinks that your condition requires urgent attention you are seen that or the next day.  Even on non-urgent tests the longest I've waited is about 10 days.


If the French can do it with about the same budget why can't we?

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I had to have a scan a while ago and while i was waiting in the waiting room at the hospital there wasn't a word of English being spoken - all foreigners - blatant p*** take of our system. People from other countries coming over here sponging off our taxpayers getting stuff for free needs to be stamped out. We all know its going on but no-one is doing anything about it - or maybe I've just got it totally wrong!

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stevski davieski has a certain ring about it  :d  :d :d  whatever happens Steve just attend when you have to and make sure you monitor yourself for any negative changes every day. I hope your various symptoms and issues you had are returning to "normal" if not those should be on the items to discuss at your 15 minutes of  fame when you do get in or indeed before with your doctor. The old ECU aint like a muscle twinge when its fooked its fooked but has a miraculous way of many times fixing itself. If you end up over stressing or not getting the medication you will need, it may end up in a worse situation. Be careful they aren't all twonks just a few of em.


Take it easy and take the pills, aspirin is your friend


Bob :)

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Mrs C's currently working for an agency as a nurse and works bother private and NHS. I've known for years that NHS Dr's work private sector too on their days off and seeing the same Dr ain't uncommon.

NHS pay is higher than private, pension's better. However the private sector doe not have scummy patients! That makes a huge difference to time not wasted, atmosphere and patient comfort. Few other difference, but no healthcare tourists and no dolly wallers means patients are of a higher caliber, thus making the wards far better.

Privatisation of health care and health insurance could really make a difference. But they need medical decisions to be made by people that know about medical stuff (ward design, equipment, medical supplies, etc) and financial decisions made by people that know finances (accountants and the like). Then in my experience GP's know poke all about anything and shouldn't have responsibility. EVERY GP ask's the nursing staff what they should do and GP's in surgery's seem to be pretty shocking too, missing obvious things and usually seem to just send people home with basic medication or tell patients to go home and call an ambulance!

Someone like Norman must be able to pull experiences from different management and health care systems over time and in different countries. That's the kind of person able to see what does and does not work and have the ability to advise the government (who ain't a scoobies!) about what they could do.

No, I'm not suggesting the Santa look alike go up to 10 Downing Street and say "Oi! This is what you need to do!" But we need to assess other systems and completely change ours. Well as soon as I can I'm of to oz to test things out there...

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Windy, not saying you're wrong but some of those people talking in a foreign tongue may have paid over 20 years tax and NI.

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Anyone seen that film about Maggy Thatcher?

Yes a lot of stuff went wrong, however she is the ONLY prime minister to have some balls, make a decision, stick to it and carry it through. Well others may have, but not since I've been old enough to see spineless weasels attempt to run the country. The film really pulled that to light for me. Now they're all wishy washy and limp wristed! What we need is myself on one side and Norman on the other! We'd be both entertaining and effective. There'd be only one way to stop some debates and that would be one of us carkin' it!

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Windy, not saying you're wrong but some of those people talking in a foreign tongue may have paid over 20 years tax and NI.

:d  :d  :d   I like an optimist

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