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hospitals (nhs)what a load of ****


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as all of you will know i spent time recently in hospital following a stroke (not a massive thing in the grand scheme of life) anyway i origonaly went in to A n E because of double and blured vision disorientation , struggling to string a sentence together etc etc and was told to return the next day for a eye test with a specialist , anyway the specialist admitted me to the hospital asap saying my eyes are perfect its your brain mr D , so i sat in a corridor for 30 mins with bev worrying (her to)as i was told no more other than its your brain , then a wheel chair arrived and i was taken onto the ward where i waited 24hours for a cat scan and then 62 hours for a mri scan all the time sat in a bed waiting/worrying with no treatment at all no information fed to me for all that time and not knowing what the devil was up with me tbh  ,i had to wait for a specialist  eventually the  specialist arrived from another hospital to view my mri , he told me i had a stroke etc and how important it was i listened to the staff at leighton hospital , after the diagnoses i waited another 26 hours for treatment which arrived in the form of tablets , i had another ultrasound on my neck then was told thats it your clear etc so was able to leave ,in the mean time while all this was going on i was told i had to have a lumba puncture 8 more blood tets all of which never happened , before i left te doctor said i would need to attened eye physio in two weeks time and would need to return to see the nurologist several times for assesment , so anyway i left without any medication as it was not ready (bev had to return to the hospital 5 hours later to collect it ,she was not told anything just given the tablets ,good job it says what to take on the packets and when , anyway weeks have past now and only yesterday did i receive a letter saying i have a appointment in waittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt for it may the f***** 15th to see the nurologist what the devil what the devil goodness me get f***** real 3 f***** months after what a absolute joke , i had a stroke goodness me not cut my finger ,this country is a f***** joke ,i cant even be arsed to go to the appointment im just going to get on with my life , best leave the the nhs to treat some polish nunney that needs it more than me

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The NHS neurologist is probably having trouble fitting you in amongst his private patients :angry: .  You're right - it is a joke but having said that, you ought to attend the appointment wuv :yes:  

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The NHS neurologist is probably having trouble fitting you in amongst his private patients :angry: .  You're right - it is a joke but having said that, you ought to attend the appointment wuv :yes:  

true but i cant be arsed , i am having westfield and lotus therapy in my workshop

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I've told this one before. In France I was seen in 2 hours referral by my doctor when I had suspected heart trouble. I was taken in and and kept there for further tests. I was let out after 2 days and I had passed a "stress" test.



When I was in the UK I went to the doctor who thought the same as my French doctor. This time it took 3 months and even then the nursing staff did it on a Saturday working for no pay to get the waiting list down.


I know the answer, get another layer of management all paid at £150 pa.

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Steve,  Constantly get onto them don't let the b**tards win.  As Bob always said they only work off a hymn sheet and they are a load of drelbs! Keep pestering them and you'll get seen to quicker. Yvonne.

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Run over in September, Birmingham!

Blue lighted to a and e, in a cubical for 4 hours before Dr who's English was worse than my Polish! I got an x-ray, all clear, Mrs C had wrist looked at. I was in pain, but no pain relief and booted out. Sarah's wrist went black and swelled up, so by this time we were back in Devon and she went to the hospital she worked in, more x-rays and scans, shattered trapeze in the wrist, physio, pain relief and everything. I went to GP a few times about shoulder pain getting worse, not too bothered and I basically told to man up. I'd been in to see GP pretty much every week with headaches and shoulder issues! Then she decided to refer me to neurology and physio. Physio assessed me and said she wouldn't do a thing as clearly tendon damage. So MRI, ultra sound and things were done and in December they decided I had damage to the rotator cuff... Full thickness tear to the muscle, major tear to one tendon, moderate to another, minor to the third and the only tendon left had fresh scar tissue where had been damaged, but healed over the 12 weeks! People could not believe the pain I had been dealing with and now on maximum dose of tramadol, co-codamol between doses and zopiclone to sleep.

Was told I'd have shoulder done then see neuro specialist due to opioids effecting me neurologically. Then anaesthetist said he didn't want to touch a head injury till seen neurologist. So 4 march I was due in to be neurologically assessed for three weeks in Headley court, Epsom. Then yesterday they said that I had to sort out the shoulder pain first as some symptoms could be caused by that! So back on waiting list for my shoulder operation.

What they all seem to forget is the fact that the Army is still making me go to work and up until December I was still running, doing push ups, chin ups, weights sessions, running about... ETC, in complete agony and I couldn't move shoulder most evenings due to pain! Now I have a sling and stuff I've shocked most people with what I put myself through and said "you should've gone to GP and said you were in pain." I F'NG DID!!! Now been told that the hit to my head and several trauma's have given a pattern of injuries never seen before by the head of neurology in Birmingham and not one member of his team has seen the pattern of damage, scar tissue and healing either. I'm in work 9-12, mon-fri and no heavy lifting. No real work... Sit around waiting to do a stack of filing that's mounted up since 2008!

Now nobody can decide what to do with me as I have so many issues medically and I'm just getting passed pillar to post. Only thing I am 100% sure of is nursing career has ended due to neurological damage and the unpredictable nature of the injuries. I'll never be able to deploy as I am far too high risk. However, there's a lot they need to get on with before they can consider discharge!

But I'm a corporal on top band money for working not a lot and have virtually free accommodation. So making the most of the cash and saving a fortune... Once they decide to discharge me I'm hoping to be able to find a house I like and buy it with 50% deposit!

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I've had mixed experience with NHS. Some superb and some very poor. As ever I believe as much to do with the people you come across as the organisation - much like everything else in life.


One thing I would say though is don't always assume a wait is because of a long queue.  Perhaps 3 months is the normal elapsed time from stroke and initial treatment for things to stabilise sufficiently to make a check up worthwhile.


Either way fight for what is right for you and also remember that communication is a two way thing. If you are not precise and clear expressing things to them you may not be receive what you want back either. 

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Don't let the b**tards  win.  As Bob always said they only work off a hymn sheet as they are a load of drelbs!  Constantly keep pestering them and you will be seen sooner.



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A neighbour of ours got fed up with his NHS consultant and paid to see a consultant in a local private hospital, guess what ?? he saw the same Doctor !! Many of them work in the NHS hospitals until 2  oclock and then belt around to their private job 4 afternoons a week ( none work on a Friday ) for an extra £1000.00 a day.  The NHS is the UKs biggest cost and almost as high as China's army. What do they do with all this money????????????? In banana republics everyone knows who is stealing the money, it can't all be down to waste and inadequate management!!

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cheers yvonne ,though maybe i should change my name to davieski maybe that way i would be sorted quicker

thanks stevski davieski

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What do they do with all this money?06-doubt.gif?06-doubt.gif?06-doubt.gif? In banana republics everyone knows who is stealing the money, it can't all be down to waste and inadequate management!!



I put it down to the consultants working for themselves and using the NHS to absorb their costs.


It's hardly inadequate management rather far too much.


 The politicians seem to know there's a problem and rather than face up to the changes needed keep making expensive "initiatives" hoping they will solve the problem. They won't.


In my view, from experience of running companies, they need to appoint a Richard Branson type businessman to sort it out. He would do the sort of things the politicians shy away from.

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Bad companies and bad organisations all have the same things in common - bad management, poor systems and bad practice.


Good management can stabilise and counteract poor systems and bad practice to a large degree, which is why you have such regional performance variations in the NHS, but bad practice is a culture developed over many years and cannot be changed overnight.


I'm lucky in that my local NHS is excellent despite being saddled with poor systems, I cannot fault them at all, and I think that's probably true in most areas on the country generally speaking.


On the other hand wuv, what you're experiencing, while irritating and unacceptable, is probably just NFC.




















Normal For Cheshire  :laugh:

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Somebody I work with had similar issues to you Steve, went to A&E with blurred vision, tingling arms etc and took a two weeks to see a neurologist. They have stopped him flying, and the next avialble appointment is now Novemeber !! And that is with military help

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Why are they allowed to moonlight?


I would have thought most contracts nowadays should phrohibit working for other employers?


And what about working time directive?

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Been hospitalised 5 times and can say now't much wrong with the NHS in Wigan , most ( not all) specialtist doctors and nurses need a nighthood , wouldnt believe the abuse they take from some so called "ill" people . If your proper ill you get sorted straight away but there always seems to be those who think its there for there personal use only and go moaning at the world because they didnt get admitted and put on IV to cure there sniffle of a cold


Can't say the same about the private practise sharks who in my experience are only interested in the size of your wallet and don't give a toss about after care once they get the cheque cashed :oops:

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