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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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    Onliest Smeg David

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    Terry Everall

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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/01/12 in Blog Comments

  1. That looks really nice. Glad to have been an inspiration.
    3 points
  2. rest easy men, I have found the new purple throbber and its mighty heart.... I have a mighty cross flow that has achieved a class victory in the speed series this year, Class A if i might add but i dont like to mention that too often. Read the next bit in the style of "swiss tony" from the fast show.... You will find, as I have, that driving the mighty cross flow at speed is like making love to a beautiful woman, you will need to warm her up first, push her to the limits of friction and enjoy the ride of your life. Remember these engines need time to get hot...just then keep them on the boil... seriously enjoy what is the best engine for these cars...
    3 points
  3. If the car is as fast as that colour is loud, you'll never stop grinning! Looks fab - enjoy!
    3 points
  4. Afraid I can't help with the question, I'm sure James "the mighty x flow" will be along soon, but boy is that car PURPLE or what? Love it! A new "Purple Throbber" perhaps?
    3 points
  5. It’s such a comparatively simple mod in the scheme of things, yet just makes the whole driving experience “better” in a subtle way; you don’t tend to realise till you start using the confusion, how often you end up putting up with badly adjusted mirrors, where you can’t quite see behind you properly, and how much extra stress that can add.
    2 points
  6. Looks much better with the MSA bar
    2 points
  7. Thank you, l will be there watching !
    2 points
  8. Slight jump at the end but a good 260+ so I'm happy... The RPM is the dyno not the car so its a bit misleading as it was peaking at 8250rpm Rob Edwards westfield_best of day april 2019.pdf
    2 points
  9. It lives .... And now it's officially a Red Top
    2 points
  10. Amazing how much better she looks with a bit of a polish...
    2 points
  11. Got to make the most of the weather in the winter, glad you had a good run out. As for indicators, treat yourself to a Blinkstop kit for Christmas, I can highly recommend it.
    2 points
  12. Yep, you can run an aeroscreen without wearing a helmet, but that's one hell of a risk to take and I don't know anyone who would. Helmets are fine of course, but SWMBO has to be a pretty good sport to get out the other end of a trip with hair like a troll. Half doors with the wind deflectors are well spoken of as an alternative. Finally, and this may sound obvious, is the passenger seat all the way back against the rear bulkhead? If it's on runners, bringing it forward somewhat might change the dynamics just enough to work.
    2 points
  13. As stated, it's an open topped car and you're always going to get buffeting. The windscreen cutting through the air creates a low pressure zone in the cab, and as nature abhors a vacuum, the air rushes in from behind to fill the low pressure area, which is why you get buffeted from behind. If you really want to get buffeted, take the side wind deflectors off - you'll find you can't breathe after 60 mph. This is commonly known as "Westfield nose". A rear mesh and perspex roll hoop wind deflector will help slightly, but it won't eliminate it. Full side doors work pretty well, but you do lose some fun IMHO as it can feel a bit claustrophobic. Side wind deflectors, a fashionable head scarf for the missus, and good sunglasses / goggles is how I tend to run, along with keeping a good hairbrush in the boot box. You need to enjoy the experience rather than fight it too much.
    2 points
  14. Liking your work Quinten, oh to be a whizz with electronics....
    2 points
  15. Great write up Martin and you captured the ethos of the weekend. Well week for us as we left on Tuesday and returned on the following Tuesday - every day and evening a load of laughs and a bucket of fun. The hill was secondary to the fun, but we didn't disgraced ourselves on the hill with all showing that we were there to go fast.
    2 points
  16. Good to read another blog about the Westfield guys Well done everyone
    2 points
  17. basicly same set up as mine just i still have 4 speed box mine is 101bhp at the wheel lots of sideways fun with solid back axel welcome to the mighty crossflow club
    2 points
  18. I had one with a similar set-up many years ago. The sound was amazing, you can't beat twin 40s on a crossflow. It'll perform like a rocketship! Love the purple.
    2 points
  19. can we have a parts list i need one. in yellow though great work
    2 points
  20. Way too much spare time.......must work in IT!
    2 points
  21. Looks great,my son Matthew hopes you will do instructions when its finished.
    2 points
  22. Fantastic. Instructions for me too please, it looks harder than building the real thing. Despite owning a red car, I've got to admit, that's a nice shade of green. John.
    1 point
  23. Id love a copy of the instructions too. GF would much rather I built a lego Westy once I've completed the real thing, rather than starting another whole car!!!
    1 point
  24. Unbelievable effort, well done!
    1 point
  25. Just home from Legoland Discovery Manchester and this puts them to shame Very well done you should sell them the rights ££££££
    1 point
  26. Fantastic - well done Marcus!! Rory's Dad
    1 point
  27. Superb! Very, very, well done.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. i love it; alex wants me to make it.... can i have one without cycle wings?
    1 point
  31. You have too much spare time....... love it
    1 point
  32. So Union Jack on the nosecone?? Great work Marcus! Rory's Dad
    1 point
  33. Just about got round to printing orf License pack tonight - but too tired....
    1 point
  34. Very impressive. But needs to be yellow ;-) If it was commercially available I'd have one.
    1 point
  35. Is the front tracking out due to the builder's intake of Budweiser? Seriously, looking good, very much enjoying this!
    1 point
  36. Looking good - whats it going to rev to?
    1 point
  37. nice one are you going for Q plate or retaining the doner reg
    1 point
  38. This is great, looking like a cracking "Build blog" already
    1 point
  39. or make them indicate to let you pass on a track day...
    1 point
  40. That could be interesting. You could sound another cars horn while passing young ladies
    1 point
  41. Hey folks, it's the end of 2012 and i've got 5 minutes free to add a post on my blog! Martin Parkes (the former owner) wrote as excellent article that appeared in the WSCC magazine for the end of the year so I will take up from there and update the tale of Q82VOF. Martin delivered the car to me on his trailer and within a week a bloke on a moped had smashed into the back of it while i was waiting to cross the A5 at Litchborugh cross roads..... this cracked the rear arch, smashed the rear section and catapulted him onto my lap..... not good, but at least I got a re-spray on his insuance of all the rear, sides and scuttle. Pillar box red and a nice freshen up. I took the nose cone and bonnet to a mate of mine, Bill Leggett, at BL Auto's body specialist and he did his best on a nice black finish with lacquer so i now have a shiny car. It was a real shame to loose some of the badges Martin had collected, like an original Hesketh F1 racing teddy bear on the nose cone and various "old school" Ford Motorsport stickers but perhaps the time was right to "re-brand" my car. One of the first trips out was to help out at Stoneleigh with the WSCC where we were lucky to meet ChazPowerslide, Cap'n Colonial (now MemSec), and many other like minded folks who do so much for our great club. I had a small airfilter smoulder on the way back so have changed to K&N's that look rather snazzy. Later that month it went to Northampton Motor Sport for a fettle that included a rolling road tune, geometry set up, and minor tinkering like new starter motor and stuff. I am technically minded, being a tree surgeon, but i don't trust myself to work on a car that i will be competing in and those boys at NMS really know their stuff. The car came with a dyno print out of 166bhp at 7,250rpm but with quite a lumpy power curve around 3,250rpm. When i got it back i did a few road miles and it immediately felt more tractable (is that a word?) and grippy on long roundabouts and smooth road surfaces. It wasn't until I went to Curbourough a second time and had a few dry runs to push my ability a bit further that the changes were evident. The car felt smoother "on the cam" and wheelspin was less of an issue. Martin came to see me at Curb and was impressed with the car and how it has evolved. Mechanically it is unchanged with 1700 x-flow, 40's, quaife Type-9 box and LSD on the back end. it runs 13x7" A048's all round though I have picked up a set of split rims that will be refurbeed and fitted in the new year (185 front and 205 rear). Interior is functional and "snug" considering my bulk so i cant afford to put any weight on :-) Diff oil has been changed and checked, a thermostat fitted for winter running to ensure it doesnt run too cool and all is looking good for spring. I have pixie boot's, a race suit, a helmet and nomex long johns!! I'm really glad i bought my Westfield and became part of this small, but excellent, fraternity... Happy New Year to all from me, Debbie, Charity, Max, Jonty, George and Henry
    1 point
  42. Thats a great job Gary. It's one of those fairly small jobs but makes a huge difference. I'm sure we've all spent time strapping the harnesses on and then find our damn near side mirror needs adjusted, then we have to go through all the PITA faffing about getting unbelted, adjusting, rebelting etc. Thats me got a new job on my winter list now. What sort of price did you pay for the mirrors?
    1 point
  43. Good job well done.............Is that a ghost i can see in the third photo?
    1 point
  44. Love it! I always find I've knocked the mirrors right after I've strapped myself in - I guess this solves that problem...
    1 point
  45. you'll be fitting remote central locking next
    1 point
  46. Looking forward to it very much, James! I just wanted to say good luck - we're all counting on you!
    1 point
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