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  1. Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

    Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/18 in Posts

  1. Thanks everyone for making this a great day out. It was great see old (pardon the pun) and new faces. My word it was cold on the run down to Matlock but it soon warmed up and we were treated to some spectacular roads on the run over to Ladybower. Thanks @Julie Hall - AO Representative, Peak District AO for organising another cracker
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Totally agree Stephen, being going for many years and it's a superb track with lots of testing corners and interesting height changes. One of the best in the UK. A must visit track. Great to see the Speed Series go down to the wire yet again with 3 drivers who would all be very worthy winners. So whoever has won, congratulations to all of them for ensuring a healthy and fair competition right up to the last round of the championship. It was great to see so many supports at the event cheering everyone on. That's what make the WSCC Speed Series such a cracking Championship. Well done everyone who competed in it or was involved in any way.
    3 points
  4. Ok i'm in. Just finished booking hotels . 1st 4 stop overs the same as Gary's list 3rd June Kyriad Montchanin as Ali & Gail 4,5 June Auberge Du Chasseur1 Route de la Surie 78490 Grosrouvre I really hope i've booked the right hotels !! Now I just need to find time to get the upgrade works completed on the car.
    3 points
  5. Hi Geoffrey, for you and any others who are hard at work this morning we will keep the offer open until midnight tonight! ill get the time limit adjusted on the offer.
    3 points
  6. I bought them for fleebay supplier stripeworld came to £10.80p
    3 points
  7. make sure you double check you have fitted the expansion tank cap :-)
    2 points
  8. Cars nearly back together & it does move under its own steam, but I need to take it out for a shakedown run & bed the clutch in before I book. And then there’s the weather
    2 points
  9. It's cooled down a bit in the loft now so I thought it was time I got back and moved the model on. The cycle wings have been painted and some of the black details done. I've also started making a new roll bar while waiting for the paint to dry.
    2 points
  10. Thanks Gary, Like wise and thank you for opening up your adventure to us all. I now have a renewed enthusiasm for finishing the car.
    2 points
  11. Excellent battle between three worthy competitors: Is it the Reverend? Or is it John (leader of the pack) Loudon? Or is it Howard (the dark horse) Gaskin?
    2 points
  12. Final results now with Tigger to manipulate into the spreadsheets etc
    2 points
  13. Good move. I don't honestly think you must have the ap cylinder. I use the standard master cylinder and installed a bias valve on the front line to reduce the pressure and move the brake balance rearward. This suits my taste and allow a good range of adjustment for pads and taste. I use wilwood front and HI spec rears with bigger discs. It stops my seight absolutely fine with good feel and retardation. I ensured I cut the pushrod as tight as possible to reduce slack on initial application and they never made me want more. They're not the same as servo,they are better! They have feel and progression, very much not vw audi
    2 points
  14. @ Purchase May 2011 June 2011 & now, June 2018 ... a little dirtier with more power and far better handling/drivability
    2 points
  15. Thanks. I might swap to an ap cyl soon, i’ll Use that one for now, who knows, it’s not even deep winter yet and I’m already blowing the wonga
    2 points
  16. We have had 4 S2000's before, with yourself Ian, Dave, Andy Sycho and Stu Finkangel on a run out after the Curborough breakfast meet. So, yes, it is a record. It's been niggling me how the road was closed so I have googled it and found out the rules. The road along the reservoir is always closed from April to the end of October at weekends. The photo that I had taken was in February, meaning the road was open. It is closed to give cyclists and walkers a traffic free area in the busy summer months. 3 weeks and we can return for the photo's then, bring the Alfa @NigelO if you are SORN. And a great big thank you to everyone, other peoples photos are always great because everyone has a different view of the day. You are in trouble though @AndrewBClarke for the cake photo
    2 points
  17. Well it is that time of year.......
    2 points
  18. An alternative to the shiny pictures, it’s absolutely filthy after a run to Alford steam rally dont fret all washed and tucked up now.......
    2 points
  19. I would not normally drive my aeroscreened car without a lid on. In fact only tried once for a short run up the road and didn’t like it at all! I guess 35 years of biking might help.
    1 point
  20. There aren’t. I’d always suggest using plenty of photos, as sometimes, readers will spot things that might give you trouble later, and be able to help you sort them out while it’s still an easy job. For that reason, I’d always suggest doing a build thread, rather than a blog. For whatever reason, the bog section just doesn’t get anything like the viewers/responses that a thread in Tech Talk or Build Diarries will, as a result, valuable feedback can either be missed entirely, or because people only peruse the blogs occasionally, can sometimes arrive a little late to help. Otherwise, there’s no set format, just do whatever your comfortable with.
    1 point
  21. No argument, the retailer as your contract was with the retailer.
    1 point
  22. Thanks for the various replies and PMs. Managed to obtain a suitable column from the rather fine specimen below!
    1 point
  23. Well, I’ve just bought my Westfield hispec ultralites in Black
    1 point
  24. a bit late but would like to join the trip, so will have to check out accomodation also ,
    1 point
  25. Did anyone get a photo of Julie's secret hot water bottle and blanket oops. Come on Bill man up you're from the north, act like one and get some shorts
    1 point
  26. If it’s the old standard MC, yes, should be OK. A lot still proffered to swap over to the AP racing MC, but I used to have the standard type with Ultralites and Sierra rear calipers, and it worked OK.
    1 point
  27. Thank you, car is getting a full cage and I already have a HANS device
    1 point
  28. @Skypeller sorry to jump into your thread but wanted to ask @SXRORY what Drum Shoes he is using as I have drums on rear and wondered if there were any 'performance' variants?
    1 point
  29. Thank you Julie for a great drive out with great cars,company, food and spectacular views. We had lovely time thanks again.
    1 point
  30. Here’s a few pics from Charlotte. Shame we missed the Dam photo opportunity but still a great day out. Thanks @Julie Hall - AO Representative, Peak District AO 5 S2000’s is that a Peak record?
    1 point
  31. Yeah great day, Thanks a lot @Julie Hall - AO Representative, Peak District AO Enjoyed it and good to see everyone.
    1 point
  32. Another fab day in the peaks. Thanks @Julie Hall - AO Representative, Peak District AO for organising these days. Great to see so many turn up!
    1 point
  33. Thank you Julie for organising a great run out Good to meet everyone. Our first run out, but will not be our last Mark and Sara
    1 point
  34. Some stunning Westfield's out today, and they all bought their lovely owners with them, I am gobsmacked at a 13 car turn out, plus Andrew and Clare in the Range Rover and his brother in his new Crossfire. We met at Sainsburys and after long journeys for most I think it's fair to say everybody was freezing. Scott and Charlie, Andy, Dave, Jon and son, Nigel and Lee, Andy and Sue, Bill, Luke and friend, Mark and Sara. We took the back roads to Ladybower, stopping for a wee on the way Never a journey goes by without throwing a challenge up. We got to Ladybower, Paul Hurdsfield was waiting for us, and the road was shut. So that was the photo shoot kippered then, we parked on the double yellows for a photo and a bit of a tyre kick while we caught up with Paul's news. We were booked in for lunch at 1pm and we were now early - never been known in a Westfield that takes 15 minutes just to get in and out of with all these clothes on. These are the photo's anyway, please excuse the bus stop. Note the reservoir is still empty, the brown bit should be water. 11 cars falls back down to 10 cars as Paul leaves, until we see Ian coming towards us, and John is waiting for us at The Travellers Rest. Ian and Charlotte the mini cake muncher Michael and Marie looking very smart join us in the new Crossfire. Last time we saw Michael he took us all in his aeroplane that he had built from a kit, now that is impressive don't ya think? At The Travellers Rest Bagpuss came too Nosebags on everybody. Having booked a table for 24 we were allocated our own area of the pub, and the radiators were red hot. As we set off again the next challenge thrown up was the herd of cows coming towards us, rather a bit too close for comfort, it did make for a good photo opportunity though. Very slowly we drove along the cow patted section of road and arrived at Tagg Lane Ice Cream Farm. I knew we wouldn't get a seat inside, so we sat outside and ate ice cream, not for me that one, I had cake, it's warmer. Not a very photogenic car park at Tagg Lane Dairy Then we all scattered on the long journey home, thank you to everyone that made such great effort to brave the cold today, I hope you have enjoyed the empty b roads of the beautiful Peak District, please come again. I hope all is ok at home AndyR and ruddy Ali and Gail - sober up next time
    1 point
  35. Couldn’t resist posting this pick!
    1 point
  36. Great day out. Safely home and thanks for good company. Sorry if Bill is upset as he's not the only one with a roadkill t shirt. If you ring me before the next meeting we can check our wardrobes.......
    1 point
  37. great to meet you all especially the old man I gave him a chocolate to keep him quiet of a few bad jokes he tried got home ok and car worked well hope everyone got home safely will there b some pictures Julie thanks john ------ minus jacky
    1 point
  38. Blat up to Newcastle last night to collect my Bruv from airport
    1 point
  39. We are using mintex 1144s on the front with standard pads on the rear. Westfield/Hispec ultralights on the sigma, M16s on the crossflow. Changing to 1144 pads has improved the feel of breaking in both cars, but they squeal in the Westfield calipers at pottering speed in traffic. Gary
    1 point
  40. Got her out so I could extend the roof of the building she sleeps In
    1 point
  41. This is Matilda with her new Caterham HPC wheels
    1 point
  42. Had an early finish at work today. So had a quick spin in the sun
    1 point
  43. Today I was driving along a country road and a Buzzard flew up from the floor, hit my cycle wing and then the windscreen. It went with a right thud, leaving blood splattered across the screen. It was quite shocking as it was massive and close up but it did make us think, if I had an aeroscreen, what would have happened to Glen? The force was enough to smash the fibreglass in two places, we were lucky to have a windscreen, what would it do to your face? I mean Glen has boyish good looks to protect We have made all the jokes that he would have had a smart feathered cap to wear and why didn't he catch it for the taxidermist, but seriously, things do happen, split second things, there was no swerving, it just flew up as I was level with it and bang. So, should you wear a crash helmet with an aeroscreened car? The second split in the fibreglass is just in camera shot at 2 o'clock
    0 points
  44. Hi @Julie Hall - AO Representative, Peak District AO. It was a tough day at the National Arboutetum on the RTTW yesterday. I wouldn't have been good company today.
    0 points
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