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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/11/16 in Posts

  1. Heads up , first of a three parter starts tonight at 9pm on 4. I really enjoyed the India one, so hopefully this should be good,
    2 points
  2. Forum Software Update - Please Read This! On Sunday 27th November 2016 at 14:00 we will be upgrading the Forum software to the latest version. This is not just a quick patch and requires a large number of old threads to be "indexed" by the new system - what this means to you is that the Forum might not work 100% as expected for a few days as it takes a very long time for the software to transfer everything over and make it all searchable again. Therefore, please bear with us until it all settles down and expect some odd behaviour for a few days afterwards. The new forum will not look too much different to the old one - it's a bit like adding some new pistons and cams to your engine, it doesn't appear to have changed, but will still need bedding in and remapping! Chris King Webmaster
    1 point
  3. You mean you didnt spot the cable ties and gaffa tape on the back of the P1?
    1 point
  4. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/owner-of-safe-storage-for-cars-stole-50000-porsche-while-owner-was-abroad-a3400676.html
    1 point
  5. I confess Clegg, it was me,
    1 point
  6. Does this mean we will be able to upload photos without using Photobucket?
    1 point
  7. Excellent night, very pleased the brilliant caricature artist didn't do me! John's speech was wonderful, quite a few lumps in throats around the room and a deserving winner. Well done all.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Wish I'd have known Gary. I would have joined you! It would have made a nice break from decorating the bathroom
    1 point
  10. Porn - as usual. Thanks in advance to Chris and Ade for getting this update done
    1 point
  11. well here we go again , bored , its sunny a wee tad chilly..... ok brass monkey chilly, still if i wrap up so coffee at cairngorm sounded good at least in my head ..... mmmmm so off we go a wee bit of freezing fog en route had to stop and de ice the screen, other sane humans pointing , laughing and waving at the village idiot driving an open car still I dont care it was great and the soup and coffee up the mountain (it was -5 in the sun ) was just what was required, a very strange look as I filled up in aviemore and then headed home. It really was great to be out, carefull steady driving was the order of the day and my cheeks were a bit numb ...... but HAPPY DAYS the loch in the picture was half frozen over !!!!!
    1 point
  12. Yup, saw the Westies... I was in the pits standing behind the camera man when they were filming that - car looked superb and took me back to a 12 year old when I first saw an Elite at my local garage and the salesman let me sit in it - loved Lotus cars ever since and bought my Elan 8 years later.
    1 point
  13. Hi Jon Nice yellow car that, I wonder who could be the owner?
    1 point
  14. Everyone who won an award last night should have taken their photo with them, but if you would like to order any more then please follow the link below. http://www.eventphotos4all.co.uk/view-your-pictures/pet-shows-family-fun-days--more/wscc-awards-dinner-november-2016/ You will need an access code to view which is WSCC26 Some great pictures in there.
    1 point
  15. Looks like next year will be interesting then!!
    1 point
  16. I can cope with weekend outages but what am I supposed to do during work time??!!?
    1 point
  17. A splendid evening -- and I echo all the congratulations to Nick, Tel, John and John. A little off-piste, I thought it was very good to see Alan Smith (very experienced Clerk of Course who serves us at Blyton) and Richard and Jane Usher (Blyton Park owners) joining us to celebrate the club's 2016 series. Also, on behalf of Borough 19 MC, a big thank you for the appreciation in voting Snetterton "event of the year".
    1 point
  18. Just to add it is likely the board will be ofline completely from Sunday through much of Monday. However to ensure you have access as soon as possible we will be providing access as soon as we can and then you will have to live with us doign the remaining steps during that week.
    1 point
  19. Excellent night with some great banter and special thanks to Nick and the rest of the team for putting on a great evening. Special congratulation to John Loudon. Superb speech, you had a few of us pretty choked mate. You really deserve the win, now let see you defend that title.
    1 point
  20. I have done over 5,500 miles since putting the new engine in (April) - going around the Alps always helps
    1 point
  21. Mines just done slightly over 7000 miles now. but then I lost most of last winter while the car was back and forth to Omex, and I also had the Speedo back at Stack for a month, (during which I actually did about 400 miles, not that it shows up anywhere!!)
    1 point
  22. I made the switch a few years ago. Discovered lecky razors give me unbelievable razor burn no matter how careful I am and no matter how much or how many pre or post shave moisturisers I used. And as noted, even brand new the dry electric never came close to a wet shave. I was back to the best wet razor even made, the Gillette Mach 3 in a little over a week
    1 point
  23. Because you probably suspect what I'd probably suspect - flash gits are rarely happy even if on the face of it they appear to be quite pleasant people
    1 point
  24. Just shows, fit flared arches, and the buyers will come flocking in!!
    1 point
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