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The relentless sucess of the anti car brigade

jeff oakley

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Below is a link to the Daily Mail, which I know some find a poor newspaper. The article and the comments from the AA confirm my views about the way that councils have been taken over by anti car factions who are supported by Brake and every pressure group going.

20 mph limits were set in small residential roads but now this is being extended to major arterial roads as well, plus the police have no found systems to enforce these idiotic limits.

In Bristol, we have seen council money spent by the Mayor, to push his anti car agenda as he "reclaims the streets for others".

At what point are the motoring public going to snap and do something about it? Over 800,000 were moved to vent their views on Clarkson and yet when reductions of limits on an industrial scale, with no regard any valid reason, carry on and turn great roads into processions, we do nothing.

If you look at the web there are hundreds of car based forums of differing hue, how can we mobilise then into a lobbying force that is effective.

I am not advocating a free for all on speed, but we have seen cars attacked from all directions and only this week have the SMMT got together to fight against those who want diesel cars banned in cities.

Cars provide freedom and hundreds of thousands of jobs in the UK and yet a vocal minority are dictating every policy designed to stop them, what can we do?


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Reclaim the streets?  For who - the horses?  Quite a ridiculous thing to say.  I was under the impression that the pavements were always exclusively for pedestrians, and the streets were always exclusively for wheeled transport (including bicycles).  If you want to reclaim the streets, then by definition you must turn them into pavements.  If you're worried about cars and pedestrians mixing, design the layout better to protect everyone.  I can totally see 20mph in some housing areas where there's a huge danger of kiddiewinks running into the road between parked cars, but not a blanket 20 mph speed limit everywhere regardless of necessity just because you can.


And yes, I despise the Daily Fail - a friend of ours reads it and tried to hide it away when we visited, saying she only bought it for the crossword.  I said that I understood because I only went to the supermarket for the piped background music. :p

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Around here the problem seems to be them reducing 60mph limits to 50mph, to stop people having accidents when overtaking the 42mph crew.


Instead of educating these idiots and making them drive at a reasonable speed, they reduce the limits, it's crazy.

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Bristol you say...... that doesn't surprise me..... I was passing through the place once and had a chap try to run between my car and the boat (on it's trailer) I was towing..... he was astounded that he got ran over by the boat..... he said "why didn't it stop?"


I rest my case m'lord.



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Should have dropped an anchor on his head, Nem!

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Bristol you say...... that doesn't surprise me..... I was passing through the place once and had a chap try to run between my car and the boat (on it's trailer) I was towing..... he was astounded that he got ran over by the boat..... he said "why didn't it stop?"


I rest my case m'lord.





Reminds me of the guy that ran between two cars....................... And tripped on the tow rope :p

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Should have dropped an anchor on his head, Nem!

At the time I was a serving Royal Navy Medic my passenger likewise qualified..... we couldn't administer any aid to the poor creature due to paroxysms of mirth...... (translates to couldn't breath for laughing)..... but sadly I don't think he can walk very well to this day.



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Around here the problem seems to be them reducing 60mph limits to 50mph, to stop people having accidents when overtaking the 42mph crew.


I've said this before but it's still true - in Warwickshire many A roads have been reduced to 50mph 'in the interests of road safety', but all the B & C roads are still 60mph. It beggars belief.


I also wonder what happens when I drive over the county line and the speed limit changes to 60mph - am I suddenly in danger?

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We had a 60 limit road reduced to 50 because someone managed to kill themselves doing 70.

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i dont think the reduction of limits has one iota of safety in mind. i would bet my last £ that it is simply a case of when not a national speed limit road it doesn't have to be maintained as much.


i also think that people welcome it. i dont endorse driving fast all the time but it does feel like many people seem to be driving slower. when i was 20 doing 95 in my sierra i was just about passing most stuff sitting at 80 and everything passed me. now if you sit at 80 your still passing most stuff.


also as with most stuff i feel like its getting polarised. either people are really fast or really slow with the majority slow. the girl in the office got caught (and let off) doing 68 in a 40. she said she always drives that fast and thinks nothing of it. she's not the only one i see like that.

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I recall that when the centre of Oxford became traffic free, one road was excluded.  The road ran to the council offices car park.

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We had a 60 limit road reduced to 50 because someone managed to kill themselves doing 70.

Which road was that? Quite a few in the area have been reduced over the years. Some obvious logical candidates remain inexplicably totally unchanged.

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If you drive a DERV, you'll be even more unwelcome the way things are going. Luckily I'm going to cover myself and buy a V8 motor, gobble up the oil reserves to run it and make some V8 Rumble to scare the Green Brigade of their bicycles.

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Which road was that? Quite a few in the area have been reduced over the years. Some obvious logical candidates remain inexplicably totally unchanged.

Wharf road

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