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A life of Verona

Norman Verona


Star Date 16/12/12

So this is my blog, more stuff and nonsense, more opinions to annoy people.

Now what shall we blog about?

Well if my car was getting it's usual blats we could talk about the car, but it isn't so we won't.

We could talk about the progress of the new porch but as that's on hold until after Christmas we can't.

We, well I, could talk about how very ill I've been (man flu, so nothing serious) but that's boring.

OK, I can't think of anything to talk about.

So you read it here first, Verona has nothing to say.

Star Date 17/12/12

It's Monday morning. I got up late, had a shower, had two slices of toast for breakfast and that it. The post girl has just brought me the magazine and calendar - it's just like Christmas. Lets see if I can make this the most boring blog ever published. It may even make me lose the wil to live.

Earth Date 17/12/12 18:41

Well the day hasn't got any more exciting.

I've coughed a bit. Then coughed some more.

Then Jacob came round to borrow some cement. He'd knocked a large hole in his gable end to get a draught under his open fire. The gale force wind (according to Jacob) had blown all the ash all over the house. As their kids had left Holland this morning Linda was complaining that she had to now clean the whole house and he better get the flap on the hole toute suit.

Now isn't that exciting.

(this rubbish was posted on a new entry but I think the blog should just go on and on and on and on and on and on......)

Someones Date 18/12/12 15:43

Really exciting day. I got up, got dressed and came down and had breakfast. Then phoned one of our customers to arrange a van for a member. Then went out to the postbox and collected my copy of Demon Tweeks catalogue. Read it for a while, dozed off. HM woke me up for lunch. Now going to lie down for a bit as I'm very tired due to little sleep last night.

How exciting is that.

Yet another date 19/12/12 14:53

Didn't get much sleep last night, was coughing most of the night.

So, got up had breakfast, annoyed everyone on the Forum and, as it's gone very quiet now, I thought I'd add another really boring blog.

Highlight of the day will be Jacobs birthday party tonight,

I think I may have a little snooze now.

Date Date 20/12/12 12:40

Went to a birthday party last night. We came home about midnight as we were both tired. Had a coffee and went to bed.

Got up this morning and had breakfast.

Caught up on the stuff and nonsense, lots of birthday wishes for me - nice.

I'm now going to have some lunch and then I may lie down for a while.

Exciting life I lead.

Mayan Date 21/12/12 1:55

After a nice evening out, I'm planning a quiet day today. No time to chat on here, there's a good programme on the tellie.

Post Mayan Date 22/12/12 14:27

Quiet morning. Just watching the showjumping then Final Score. Life can't really get more exiting.

Christmas Date 23/12/12 16:17

Who the hell is Bridgette? Sound much too exciting to me. May have palpitations!

We were invited out last night for a meal. wasn't that nice. We went to a restaurant we've been to many times and was surprised to see a young lady who used to work in another restaurant we frequent. That was a nice surprise but we kept it under control.

Got up this morning and had breakfast. Then we watched Strictly. As soon as a semi naked Louis came on stage I knew he'd won. All those 9 to 13 year old fanticising over him. They were probably just continually pressing the redial button for an hour.

I've had a nice doze this afternoon to calm down after all that excitement.

Right, I'm off to find out if I have a relation called Bridget, as long as it's not too exciting.

Pineapple Date 24/12/12

Got up late. I've been a bit under the weather, high temperature and coughing all night. The excitement was getting too much for me. Had Breakfast but no lunch. Just waiting for HM to dish up dinner. Then settle down and watch a lod of kids programmes on the TV

HM has Rod Stewart with Micheal Bubble on. Should keep me calm.

Plum date 25/12/12

Awake most of the night, got up fairly early. Had breakfast and settled down to watch Attenbourogh. Fell asleep. Just woke up so will now watch Del Boy and Rodney.

So exciting.

Pineapple date 03/01/13

Missed a few days. I've been so busy, like stripping the skin off my lips with a pineapple.

Might go for a walk today, but then again might not.

Watched the footie last night and had said to HM that I thought QPR may beat Chelsea. They did, isn't that exciting?

Ok, I'm off now to watch the paint dry on the wall.

Winter Date 14/01/13

Life has been so hectic I've not been able to keep the blog going. It's very absorbing sitting in an armchair, watching TV and sleeping.

I was going to do some work on the utility room floor tiles today but was on the phone to the UK taxman for so long that most of the day has now gone.

Never mind, tomorrow is another day. I love stating the obvious.


Recommended Comments

Captain Colonial


Will there be a movie of the blog, like Bridgette Verona's Diary?

ian clear


Living in France sounds too hectic for me.

Norman Verona


Ian, Yes, far too hectic. The bars are open until 8 pm and closed probably 3 nights a week. It's just one huge merry-go-round.

ian clear


That's the problem with retiring - you never get a day of!

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