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someone who clearly has far more time than me!


However... I WANT ONE!!!



Cant believe anyone has more time than you Mr C lol!



I want one too!



Come on Marcus... Why didn't you do a build thread?

At least let us know what packs to buy so that we can have a go!

Pppllleeeaaassseee.... I'll post a box of glow sticks!



Cant believe anyone has more time than you Mr C lol!



I want one too!

To get to the status of having to work a prescribed 0900-1200 Monday to Friday, break 1000-1030, and still receiving full pay plus allowances. Oh, plus getting out of a court appearance (reference collision June 2010, liability excepted by third party already) due to third party insurance trying to say I drove a hire car on deployment with the military (As we all drive to Afghanistan) and I had to prove I did not leave the uk in the hire car. You kinda need to be wrong place/wrong time a few times, have two cars written off and one car repaired a few times and get run over while on a pedestrian crossing (with wife) plus get run over while on the pavement!

I would like to build one of these to match my car... Then while bored in hospital or during the 16weeks at home recovery I'll have May-September I my build these and sell them to WSCC members at cost + 50% of cost as charity donation. I think I could build three a week!

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator


Come on Marcus... Why didn't you do a build thread? 


it is :-)

Onliest Smeg David


Have you sent details to lego?

Apparently if you get 10000 likes they'll manufacture it!

I'm sure we could get you a good kick start towards this total.

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