SORN, do you ?
My Westy lives outside all year round, as have all my previous 'toys'
I've never bothered to SORN them, as I do enjoy a run if the sun is out, even if the temp doesn't match the outlook.
And SORN doesn't mean I get to lock it in the garage and work in the warm, so I pay the full years road tax, and hope to get some winter use.
And so we decided to have a little run today.
Spent 3 hours out and about without stopping so plenty of smiles per gallon, even if the might xflow does drink more juice than my Boxster did !
We went form Southport over to Horwich, up to Rivington, back via Chorley , Croston and top end of Southport.
Nope, not the most exciting roads, nor the fastest, in fact we didn't breach a single speed limit all day ( some facts of this story may have been changed )
No roof, no doors, just the wind deflectors.
Mrs asked what I was wearing against the weather, I said a fleece, wooly hat and gloves, it's a lovely day out. And a balmy 7 degrees.
She then set about like dressing as an extra from a winter catastrophe movie.
The wind deflectors do a great job at deflecting roadside mud ( lets just agree it was mud, and not cow related )
And nothing a quick wash couldn't sort out.
And we enjoyed blue sky the whole time
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