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Tel's Tales Issue 062/16 Ty Croes April/May 2016

TEL's TALE's 062/16

Ty Croes, Anglesey 30 April- 1 May 2016

Well what a miserable showing from the Speed Series guys. Just myself and John Loudon showed up and with an entry of only 68 the MGCC were making a big loss on the weekend and are contemplating whetehr to run it next year and that would be a shame as its one of the favourite venues with 2 different circuits over the weekend. As my motorhome was ready until next week I had to sleep in the trailer again. The forecast was below zero but with thermals, 2 pullovers and three sleeping bags I survived the ordeal quite well and with John Loudon providing me with hot coffee all weekend it was nearly luxury. I even sat in his nice warm motorhome and enjoyed the luxury of TV. Saturday forecast was dry but very cold so not too bad but probably no chance of getting near difficult records/target times. John Loudon's car started to play up right at the start and it was probably protesting about the extra 20kgs approx that his new full cage had added. His newly fitted Quantum double acting shocks (from Meteor Motorsport) looked the business. The problem was associated with the alternator not charging and he had had 2 repaired since the last event. During the day we put the multimeter into action and by a process off continuity tests proved that a small wire to the alternator looked ok but had a break in the wire (in the middle of the insulation so we could not see it) it so we replaced it and problem solved !!!

There was one practice of the two laps National and I caught David Williams ( well known character with a Westfield car ) after only one lap so recorded 125.89 secs as I did not take a rerun. John set off with a decent 115.67secs. John's target time was 113.60 secs and after we softened his shocks a little he was pleased to get down to 113.41secs on his penultimate run to set a new class E record. I was struggling to find grip on myslicks and in the end posted 111.28secs against a very difficult target of 107.94secs set by ACW in October 2015. We had 5 timed runs so it was good value for money.

Saturday night proved to be just as cold as Friday but with the added ingredients of buffeting wind and heavy ran from 0530hrs in the morning. The wind and rain continued all day and it was probably the coldest and most miserable driving conditions I have experienced. The International course from Church to Rocket saw us doig about 115mph wih the cars moving all over the place due to water and gusts of wind. I had water inside and outside of my visor and visibilty was almost none existent. It was obvious that due to the conditions it was going to be a wet day and still John and I pushed as hard as we could to get maximum points. In the end although I was fastest John was one percent closer to his target time so scored best with me taking the 100 points. By 1240hrs we had completed two practices and two timed runs so, along with several other drivers, we called it a day and loaded up. Looking forward to the next event there in June when hopefully there will be a few more of us in the paddock.

Thanks for the company John.

Terry Everall

Class G competitor

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John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison


As usual an entertaining and good write up Terry. The others don't know what they missed....

Onliest Smeg David


Good one Terry.

I was with you both in spirit! Wanted to do as I love Anglesey but MSA roll bar wasn't fitted till this Wednesday.


I think this year due to MSA shenanigans there'll be many not getting car sorted in time for early season.

Hopefully next year entries will improve.

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