Notches and botches
Tested the notching setup at 30 degrees - a bit chattery and have to go fairly slow, but still good results (apologies for the array of notch pictures, I just love the shapes, haha). Also got a pipe vice which should stabilise things a bit for the angled notches...
Did a few more test welds and battered the **** out of them. This was an early one with not quite as much penetration as I wanted - but at least the joint stays lovely and tight.
Note this was done by holding the tube in place with a magnet, no pressure / force, and it hasn't moved or pulled at all, which I was chuffed with.
Testing tightness of joints with a light:
Sorted out a centreline for my build table - sprayed a big white line down the middle, grabbed some fishing line and pulled it tight, dusted a few coats of black over the top et voila!
Also checked flatness - 0.1deg or less all round. Here's a boring video

Bonus points to anyone who can name the song in the background...
Chopped some tubes up - only a small amount of waste, less than I bargained for:
Put some of said tubes in the milling machine and chopped them up a bit more:
Jigged stuff up in a pretty pikey, but seemingly very accurate way:
And here's how it stood last night:
Did a bit more on it this evening after work:
It's coming together surprisingly quickly - and everything has come in within 1mm on length and less than 0.2 degrees on angle, which I'm pretty pleased with given the Heath Robinson approach.
Just got a couple more tubes to cut and notch for the main outline of that rear section, then it'll get taken apart, cleaned up, put back in position, tacked, and welded as far as I can in the jig. Once it's out, I'll finish off welding then it can be bolted back down again ready to start on the front end.
Need to get a laser cutting order sorted out asap cos I'll be ready for all the wishbones to go on a lot sooner than I anticipated!
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