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AdamR's MX-R1000 Build

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Early stages - CAD & accumulating parts...


Having sold my Fisher Fury (which gave me the bug for light cars with bike engines), I decided to take on a new project.

This was something I have wanted to do for a while, and having done most of these jobs in isolation thought it was time to tackle them all in one project... building a car from scratch.

The first stages revolved around a lot of thinking and some mocking up of a layout - see below.


Once I confirmed everything would fit, it was time to nail down the suspension design. Quite a complex subject, but the main idea was to make the car fun and compliant to drive - pretty much like an MX-5 (hence the name, I'll come onto that later). Here's the geometry I decided on: http://tinyurl.com/phefzjt

This led to more CAD, as I then knew where the load points would be on the chassis.




Still very much a work in progress, but the basics are there...

Here's the bits that will go within the bunch of tubes:

GSXR 1000 K2 engine and bits, with thanks to David Birch (XTR2Turbo) for dropping these off at Silverstone this weekend while I was there.

This is where the name comes from: MX-R1000 is a combination of MX-5 and GSX-R1000 :)


MX-5 uprights, diff, driveshafts, hubs and brakes:


Rod ends and spherical bearing for one front wishbone... this is the expensive bit of the build! :(


Nice lightweight seat I had kicking about:


And a lovely billet sump with swinging pickup for the engine:


It will be chain drive, with the MX-5 diff converted for this purpose. Got a Mk2 Escort rack on the way, then the rest should take care of itself, hopefully...

Will try and update every few weeks, wish me luck!



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Looks great, one comment - won't those tubes impair your peripheral vision somewhat?



Cheers! I'm hoping not, certainly no more so than an A-Pillar in a normal car... the MX-5 I hacked about has a similarly-positioned roll cage brace, and that has excellent visibility - so, fingers crossed!


Paul Aspden


So, rocker arms or outboard shocks?

I guess you're using balljoints on the outboard ends of the suspension?


Looks good, just keep everything really tight as making the car small is the biggest benefit. At least you started with the right, idea, make evertything fit around the driver, you'd be amazed how many (kit) car designer don't!


Keep up the good work



Cheers Paul - going to 'KISS' for this build, so outboard shocks both ends. Had all sorts of crazy designs for rockers and the like but I think the added complexity would be too much for my DIY 'skills'...


Strange some designers don't think about the most important bit of the car, I thought that was a given!

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